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如何在 paper.js 中补间 view.center

[英]How to tween view.center in paper.js

So I'm trying to give the feel of smooth movement when reassigning the paper.view.center coordinates.所以我试图在重新分配paper.view.center坐标时给人一种平稳运动的感觉。 The center object doesn't have a tweenTo() method. center对象没有tweenTo()方法。 This is what I've tried using Tween.js:这是我使用 Tween.js 尝试过的:

let smooth = new TWEEN.Tween(paper.view.center).to({
    x: 650,
    y: 270
}, 900).easing(TWEEN.Easing.Cubic.Out).start();

Since it's a Point object reassigning the x and y values don't actually change the coordinates, because the proper way of reassiging it is to use another Point object ( new paper.Point() ).由于它是一个Point对象,重新分配xy值实际上不会改变坐标,因为重新分配它的正确方法是使用另一个Point对象( new paper.Point() )。 How could I tween the continuously new creation of a Point object?我怎样才能对Point对象的不断新创建进行补间?

I think that a simple way of achieving what you want is animating the active layer position.我认为实现您想要的一种简单方法是为活动层位置设置动画。
Here's a sketch demonstrating a possible implementation.这是一个演示可能实现的草图

const circle = new Path.Circle({
    center: view.center,
    radius: 50,
    fillColor: 'orange'

    { position: { x: 50, y: 50 } },
    { duration: 700, easing: 'easeInOutQuad' }

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