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单词列表中的 Python Unicode 规范化

[英]Python Unicode Normalize in list of words

I am preprocessing a list of words from a file.我正在预处理文件中的单词列表。 I'm struggling to remove accents because the Unicode Normalizer works on strings only.我正在努力删除重音,因为 Unicode Normalizer 仅适用于字符串。 I am getting the following error :我收到以下错误:

TypeError: normalize() argument 2 must be str, not list TypeError: normalize() 参数 2 必须是 str,而不是 list

Any way to remove accents from the entire list ?有什么方法可以从整个列表中删除重音?

Many thanks非常感谢

import string
import nltk
from french_lefff_lemmatizer.french_lefff_lemmatizer import FrenchLefffLemmatizer
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stopwords = stopwords.words('french')
french_stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('french')
from unicodedata import normalize
lemmatizer = FrenchLefffLemmatizer()

def preprocessing(affaires):
    preprocess_list = []
    for sentence in affaires :
        sentence_w_punct = "".join([i.lower() for i in sentence if i not in string.punctuation])
        tokenize_sentence = nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize(sentence_w_punct)
        words_w_stopwords = [i for i in tokenize_sentence if i not in french_stopwords]
        no_accent = ''.join(c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', words_w_stopwords)
                  if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn')  
        remove_parasites = [j for j in no_accent if j not in parasites]
        words_lemmatize = (lemmatizer.lemmatize(w) for w in remove_parasites)
        sentence_clean = ' '.join(words_lemmatize)

    return preprocess_list

df["nom_affaire_clean"] = preprocessing(df["nom_affaire"])

cln = df.pop("nom_affaire_clean")
df.insert(1, 'nom_affaire_clean', cln )

unicodedata.normalize doesn't work on a list, so enumerate the list and convert each word: unicodedata.normalize不适用于列表,因此请枚举列表并转换每个单词:

import unicodedata as ud

words = '''âcre âge âgé arriéré arrière bronzé collé congrès coté côte côté crêpe
           crêpé cure curé dès différent diffèrent entré mémé même pâte pâté péché
           pêche pécher pêcher pécheur pêcheur prête prêté relâche relâché retraité
           sublimé vôtre'''.split()

for index, word in enumerate(words):
    words[index] = ''.join(c for c in ud.normalize('NFD', word) if ud.category(c) != 'Mn')



['acre', 'age', 'age', 'arriere', 'arriere', 'bronze', 'colle', 'congres', 'cote', 'cote', 'cote', 'crepe', 'crepe', 'cure', 'cure', 'des', 'different', 'different', 'entre', 'meme', 'meme', 'pate', 'pate', 'peche', 'peche', 'pecher', 'pecher', 'pecheur', 'pecheur', 'prete', 'prete', 'relache', 'relache', 'retraite', 'sublime', 'votre']

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