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无服务器框架从单独的 function 获取 AWS“函数 url”

[英]Serverless framework get AWS "function url" from separate function

I have a serverless application defined like this我有一个这样定义的无服务器应用程序

service: hello_world

frameworkVersion: '3'

  name: aws
  runtime: python3.8

    handler: handler.run
    handler: handler2.run
    url: true

Part of the function hello is to hand the function url of world to an external api. function hello的一部分是把world的function url交给外部的api。

How can I get the function url to hello , as an environment variable or otherwise?如何将 function url 作为环境变量或其他方式获取hello

Have not tested, but according to the following you can use what looks like cloudformation fn + backreferences尚未测试,但根据以下内容,您可以使用看起来像 cloudformation fn + backreferences 的内容

https://forum.serverless.com/t/how-do-i-get-the-url-for-a-function-in-my-serverless-yml-file/1386/4 https://forum.serverless.com/t/how-do-i-get-the-url-for-a-function-in-my-serverless-yml-file/1386/4

  stage: ${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}
  region: ${opt:region, self:provider.region}

  URL: { "Fn::Join" : ["", [" https://", { "Ref" : "ApiGatewayRestApi" }, ".execute-api.${self:custom.region}.amazonaws.com/${self:custom.stage}/path/to/resource" ] ]  }

You need to know how Serverless is internally referencing the function URLs, which should be accessable in this format.您需要知道 Serverless 如何在内部引用 function URL,这些 URL应该可以以这种格式访问。 You can check this by viewing the resource names in AWS.您可以通过查看 AWS 中的资源名称来检查这一点。

service: hello_world

frameworkVersion: '3'

  name: aws
  runtime: python3.8

    handler: handler.run
    url: true
    handler: handler2.run
      GRANT_URL_ENDPOINT: !Ref Fn1LambdaFunctionUrl


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