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kapt.use.worker.api 已弃用

[英]kapt.use.worker.api is deprecated

After build I get this warning:构建后,我收到此警告:

'kapt.use.worker.api' is deprecated and scheduled to be removed in Kotlin 1.8 release. 'kapt.use.worker.api' 已弃用并计划在 Kotlin 1.8 版本中删除。

Knowing that I have in my gradle.properties :知道我的 gradle.properties 中有:


and in my Module level build.gradle :在我的模块级别 build.gradle :

apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'

then, what is the alternative to the deprecated line ?那么,不推荐使用的行的替代方法是什么?

This option is deprecated and you should simply remove it from your gradle.properties.此选项已弃用,您只需将其从 gradle.properties 中删除即可。

That doesn't break kapt, it is happening to continue supporting next versions of the JDK.这并没有破坏 kapt,它正在继续支持 JDK 的下一个版本。

https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-48827/Remove-kaptuseworkerapi-property https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-48827/Remove-kaptuseworkerapi-property

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