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OpenBSD window 管理器

[英]OpenBSD window managers

I am getting started with OpenBSD (using VirtualBox) and would like to know how one can try and choose between the window managers FVWM, TWM and CWM.我开始使用 OpenBSD(使用 VirtualBox)并且想知道如何尝试在 window 管理器 FVWM、TWM 和 CWM 之间进行选择。

In order to run a specific window manager: Is there some configuration file to modify?为了运行特定的 window 管理器:是否有一些配置文件需要修改? Or some specific command to run?还是要运行一些特定的命令?

There is a lot of information on the net, but nothing clear in what I read.网上有很多信息,但我读到的内容并不清楚。

The simplest way to run X on OpenBSD is with the xenodm display manager.在 OpenBSD 上运行 X 的最简单方法是使用xenodm显示管理器。 Enable it at boot:在启动时启用它:

# rcctl enable xenodm
# rcctl start xenodm

After that, you can customize your X session by creating a $HOME/.xsession script to start your window manager.之后,您可以通过创建$HOME/.xsession脚本来启动您的 window 管理器来自定义您的 X session。 Example with FVWM: FVWM 示例:

export ENV=$HOME/.kshrc
exec fvwm

See xinit manpage and FAQ for the X Widnow System .请参阅xinit 手册页X Widnow 系统的常见问题解答

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