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如何在@solana/web3.js 交易中指定最高费用

[英]How to specify max fee in @solana/web3.js Transaction

The Solana documentation says Solana 文档说

Transactions currently include a fee field that indicates the maximum fee field a slot leader is permitted to charge to process a transaction.交易目前包括一个费用字段,该字段指示允许插槽领导者收取以处理交易的最大费用字段。

(source: https://docs.solana.com/implemented-proposals/transaction-fees ) (来源: https ://docs.solana.com/implemented-proposals/transaction-fees)

But in @solana/web3.js , the transaction builder SystemProgram.transfer only takes a from, to and amount.但是在@solana/web3.js中,事务构建器SystemProgram.transfer只需要一个 from、to 和 amount。 There is a fee calculator interface and a getEstimatedFee method in the transfer object, but I can't find how to set the maximum.转账对象中有一个费用计算器接口和一个getEstimatedFee方法,但是我找不到如何设置最大值。

You don't need to specify a fee because as of now there is no eth-like fee market in Solana where people bid to get their tx included.您不需要指定费用,因为到目前为止,在 Solana 中没有类似 eth 的费用市场,人们竞标将他们的 tx 包括在内。 In future, this is subject to change.将来,这可能会发生变化。 To send a transfer transaction:发送转账交易:

const transferTransaction = new Transaction().add(
    fromPubkey: fromKeypair.publicKey,
    toPubkey: toKeypair.publicKey,
    lamports: lamportsToSend,

await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transferTransaction, [fromKeypair]);

https://solanacookbook.com/references/basic-transactions.html#how-to-send-sol https://solanacookbook.com/references/basic-transactions.html#how-to-send-sol

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