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cobra-cli 将所有参数和标志传递给可执行文件

[英]cobra-cli pass all arguments and flags to an executable

I have a cobra CLI for my own stuff.我有一个 cobra CLI 用于我自己的东西。 Now I want to add commonly used executables eg kubectl , calicoctl as subcommands which will consume all arguments and flags like现在我想添加常用的可执行文件,例如kubectlcalicoctl作为子命令,它们将使用所有参数和标志,如

mywrapper kubectl get all --all-namespaces
mywrapper kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx --port=80

Reproduce cobra project复制眼镜蛇项目

mkdir mywrapper; cd mywrapper; go mod init mywrapper; cobra-cli init .

And add a subcommand eg kubectl并添加一个子命令,例如kubectl

cobra-cli add kubectl 

Then populate ./cmd/kubectl.go with然后用./cmd/kubectl.go填充

package cmd

import (


var kubectlCmd = &cobra.Command{
    Use:   "kubectl",
    Short: "run kubectl",
    Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
        out, err := exec.Command("/bin/bash", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("kubectl %v", strings.Join(args, " "))).Output()
        if err != nil {

func init() {

I can now run kubectl command eg go run . kubectl get pods我现在可以运行kubectl命令,例如go run . kubectl get pods go run . kubectl get pods . go run . kubectl get pods But it fails when flags are added eg go run . kubectl get pods --selector app=nginx但是当添加标志时它会失败,例如go run . kubectl get pods --selector app=nginx go run . kubectl get pods --selector app=nginx

Pass your flags after the -- .--之后传递你的标志。 A double dash (--) is used to signify the end of command options.双破折号 (--) 用于表示命令选项的结束。 In our case it is required to distinguish between the flags passed to go and those that aren't.在我们的例子中,需要区分传递给go的标志和没有传递的标志。 Everything after the double dash wont be considered to be go 's flags.双破折号之后的所有内容都不会被视为go的标志。

I tried with gcloud:我尝试使用 gcloud:

package cmd

import (


var gcloudCmd = &cobra.Command{
    Use:   "gcloud",
    Short: "run gcloud",
    Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
        out, err := exec.Command("gcloud", args...).Output()
        if err != nil {

func init() {

Then tried:然后尝试:

$ go run . gcloud compute regions list -- --filter="id<1250"

asia-east1    0/24  0/4096    0/8        0/8                 UP
europe-west1  0/24  0/4096    0/8        0/8                 UP
us-central1   0/24  0/4096    0/8        0/8                 UP
us-east1      0/24  0/4096    0/8        0/8                 UP
us-west1      0/24  0/4096    0/8        0/8                 UP

Adding more flags:添加更多标志:

$ go run . gcloud compute regions list -- --filter="id<1250" --format="table(name,id)"

NAME          ID
asia-east1    1220
europe-west1  1100
us-central1   1000
us-east1      1230
us-west1      1210

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