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动画平滑指示器不起作用? 扑

[英]Animated Smooth Indicator not Working ? FLUTTER

I'm building an app with a PageView Widget and I wanted to add AnimatedSmoothIndicator .我正在构建一个带有PageView Widget 的应用程序,并且我想添加AnimatedSmoothIndicator

I added a CarouseLslider to the pageView to make it auto run我在pageView中添加了一个CarouseLslider以使其自动运行

but it never changes .. I tried a lot of methods but none of them work但它永远不会改变..我尝试了很多方法,但都没有奏效

can anyone help..任何人都可以帮助..

class FoodPageBody extends StatefulWidget {
  const FoodPageBody({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State<FoodPageBody> createState() => _FoodPageBodyState();

class _FoodPageBodyState extends State<FoodPageBody> {
  PageController pageController = PageController(viewportFraction: 1);

  int activeIndex = 0;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SizedBox(
      height: 340,
      child: PageView.builder(
          controller: pageController,
          itemCount: 5,
          itemBuilder: (context, position) {
            return _bulidPageItem(position);

  Widget _bulidPageItem(int index) {
// Slide image 🚩
    return Column(
      children: [
          options: CarouselOptions(
            onPageChanged: (index, reason) {
              setState(() {
                activeIndex = index;
            enlargeStrategy: CenterPageEnlargeStrategy.height,
            enableInfiniteScroll: true,
            enlargeCenterPage: true,
            autoPlayCurve: Curves.ease,
            autoPlay: true,
            autoPlayInterval: const Duration(seconds: 5),
            height: 320,
          items: [
              alignment: Alignment.topCenter,
              children: [
                  margin: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 5, right: 5),
                  height: 220,
                  decoration: BoxDecoration(
                    borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(20),
                    color: index.isEven
                        ? const Color(0xFFffd28d)
                        : const Color(0xFF89dad0),
                    image: const DecorationImage(
                        image: AssetImage('images/chineseFood.jpg'),
                        fit: BoxFit.cover),
// Slide Information 🚩
                  alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
                  child: Container(
                        const EdgeInsets.only(left: 20, right: 20, bottom: 15),
                    height: 130,
                    decoration: BoxDecoration(
                      boxShadow: [
                            color: Colors.grey.withOpacity(0.3),
                            blurRadius: 6,
                            spreadRadius: 0.7,
                            offset: const Offset(1, 4))
                      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(25),
                      color: Colors.white,
// Slider title
                    child: Padding(
                      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                      child: Column(
                        crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                        children: [
                          const BigText(
                            text: 'Chinese side',
// Slider Rating
                          const SizedBox(height: 10),
                            children: [
                                children: List.generate(
                                  (index) => const Icon(Icons.star,
                                      color: AppColor.mainColor, size: 12),
                              const SizedBox(width: 10),
                              SmallText(text: 4.5.toString()),
                              const SizedBox(width: 10),
                              const SmallText(text: '1287 comments'),
                          const SizedBox(height: 20),
// Slider Icons
                            mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
                            children: const [
                                  color: AppColor.iconColor1,
                                  text: 'Normal',
                                  icon: Icons.circle),
                                  color: AppColor.mainColor,
                                  text: '1.7km',
                                  icon: Icons.location_pin),
                                  color: AppColor.iconColor2,
                                  text: '32min',
                                  icon: FontAwesomeIcons.clock),
// Slider Dots 🚩
          activeIndex: activeIndex,
          count: 5,
          effect: const WormEffect(),


The issue is here, the CarouselSlider 's items is just one of this snippet.问题就在这里, CarouselSlideritems只是这个片段之一。 Therefore, onPageChanged active index is always getting 0. To have five items, we need to generate item here.因此, onPageChanged活动索引始终为 0。要拥有五个项目,我们需要在此处生成项目。

I think pageView is not necessary for this case.我认为这种情况下不需要 pageView。

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SizedBox(height: 340, child: _bulidPageItem());

  Widget _bulidPageItem() {
// Slide image 🚩
    return Column(
      children: [
          carouselController: carouselController,
          options: CarouselOptions(
            onPageChanged: (index1, reason) {
              debugPrint("on Page changed $index1");
              setState(() {
                activeIndex = index1;
          items: List.generate(
            (index) => Stack(

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