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导入 Grafana 仪表板 - label_values 不适用于 InfluxDb

[英]Importing Grafana dashboard - label_values doesn't work with InfluxDb

I found nice Grafana dashboard for Resilience4j metrics: https://resilience4j.readme.io/docs/grafana-1我为 Resilience4j 指标找到了不错的 Grafana 仪表板: https ://resilience4j.readme.io/docs/grafana-1

The problem is that I am using InfluxDb data source but the dashboard was created for Prometheus.问题是我使用的是 InfluxDb 数据源,但仪表板是为 Prometheus 创建的。

I am getting errrors after import:导入后出现错误:

Templating [application]
Error updating options: InfluxDB Error: error parsing query: found label_values, expected SELECT, DELETE, SHOW, CREATE, DROP, EXPLAIN, GRANT, REVOKE, ALTER, SET, KILL at line 1, char 1

I was looking for solution but I am new both to Grafana and InfluxDb and I am lost.我一直在寻找解决方案,但我对 Grafana 和 InfluxDb 都是新手,我迷路了。 Could you direct me somehow how can I adapt the dashboard so that it works with InfluxDb?您能否以某种方式指导我如何调整仪表板以使其与 InfluxDb 一起使用?

InfluxDB and Prometheus use different query languages and concepts. InfluxDB 和 Prometheus 使用不同的查询语言和概念。 So there is no simply way how can you "translate" PromQL (Prometheus query language) to InfluxQL (InfluxDB query language).因此,没有简单的方法可以将 PromQL(Prometheus 查询语言)“翻译”成 InfluxQL(InfluxDB 查询语言)。 You will have to learn both and you will need to rewrites all those queries manually, so they will be matching your InfuxDB data model.您必须同时学习这两种方法,并且需要手动重写所有这些查询,以便它们与您的 InfuxDB 数据模型相匹配。

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