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我应该选择 IAsyncEnumerable<T> 或 IEnumerable <Task<T> &gt;?

[英]should i choose IAsyncEnumerable<T> or IEnumerable<Task<T>>?

in my C# program, I have a list that has 100+ URLs and I will download files from those URLs.在我的 C# 程序中,我有一个包含 100 多个 URL 的列表,我将从这些 URL 下载文件。

at first, I will use list.select(x=> DosomethingAsync(x)) then use Task.WhenAny to handle the result (these step is very fast, the main cost is file download)首先,我会使用list.select(x=> DosomethingAsync(x))然后使用Task.WhenAny来处理结果(这一步非常快,主要成本是文件下载)

while (!itemsTasks.IsNullOrEmpty())
    Task<Stream> fininshed_item_task = await Task.WhenAny(itemsTasks);
    Stream itemResult = await fininshed_item_task;
    // do something with   itemResult

now I hear that there is IAsyncEnumerable and it seems could keep my code more straightforward.现在我听说有 IAsyncEnumerable,它似乎可以让我的代码更简单。

but I am very worried IAsyncEnumerable will fetch file one by one and cost more time.但我很担心 IAsyncEnumerable 会一个一个地获取文件并花费更多时间。 And I find that IAsyncEnumerable do a lot of thread changing!而且我发现IAsyncEnumerable做了很多线程更改!

IEnumerable<Task<T>> seems to start tasks immediately before await. IEnumerable<Task<T>>似乎在等待之前立即开始任务。 and another problem is I need to find a way to cancel the remaining tasks if there is one get failed.另一个问题是如果有一个失败,我需要找到一种方法来取消剩余的任务。

Can you explain this?你能解释一下吗?

Basically IAsyncEnumerable is an enumeration of awaited tasks' result while IEnumerable<Task> is an enumeration of tasks.基本上IAsyncEnumerable是等待任务结果的枚举,而IEnumerable<Task>是任务的枚举。

I would say that IAsynEnumerable is a shortcut feature for a specific usecase of IEnumerable<Task<T>> .我会说IAsynEnumerableIEnumerable<Task<T>>特定用例的快捷功能。

Let's say we have this expensive operation to perform假设我们要执行这个昂贵的操作

static async Task<int> ExpensiveOperationAsync(int number)
    // some expensive operation
    await Task.Delay(100);

    return number;

To return the operation's result on all of the positives numbers you obviously could not just return a list of values since there is an infinite amount of them, so you would have to yield every result once the task has completed.要返回所有正数的操作结果,您显然不能只返回一个值列表,因为它们的数量是无限的,因此一旦任务完成,您就必须产生每个结果。

But this does not compile since int is not awaitable and the method is async .但这不会编译,因为int是不可等待的并且方法是async

static async int GetNumbersAsync()
    var i = 0;
    while (true)
        yield return await ExpensiveOperationAsync(i++);

One way around is to not use an aync method and just return the tasks, here we have our IEnumerable<Task<int>> .一种解决方法是不使用aync方法而只返回任务,这里我们有我们的IEnumerable<Task<int>>

static IEnumerable<Task<int>> GetNumbersAsyncEnumerableTasks()
    var i = 0;
    while (true)
        yield return ExpensiveOperationAsync(i++);

And use it并使用它

foreach (var task in GetNumbersAsyncEnumerableTasks())
    Console.WriteLine(await task);

But one downside of this approach is that it's not very explicit about what you are trying to achieve.但是这种方法的一个缺点是它对你想要实现的目标不是很明确。

Instead C# provides a nicer way to do this, the IAsyncEnumerable<T> which is a kind of an awaitable thing.相反,C# 提供了一种更好的方法来执行此操作,即IAsyncEnumerable<T> ,它是一种可等待的东西。

static async IAsyncEnumerable<int> GetNumbersAsyncEnumerable(int max)
    for (var i = 0; i < max + 1; i++)
        yield return await ExpensiveOperationAsync(i);
// notice the await foreach syntax
await foreach (var number in GetNumbersAsyncEnumerable(10))

As you can see IAsynEnumerable<T> is useful for a few specific situations but it does not seem to fit your case.如您所见IAsynEnumerable<T>对于一些特定情况很有用,但它似乎不适合您的情况。

I rather do something like this我宁愿做这样的事情

public class MyProcessor
    public async Task ProcessAllTasksAsync<T>(IEnumerable<Task<T>> tasks)
        var wrappedTasks = tasks.Select(TaskWrapperAsync);
        await Task.WhenAll(wrappedTasks);

    private async Task TaskWrapperAsync<T>(Task<T> task)
        var result = await task;

    private void DoSomethingWithItemResult<T>(T result)
        // some cool stuff


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