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CUDA 流(=队列)的容量是多少?

[英]What's the capacity of a CUDA stream (=queue)?

A CUDA stream is a queue of tasks: memory copies, event firing, event waits, kernel launches, callbacks... CUDA 流是一个任务队列:内存拷贝、事件触发、事件等待、内核启动、回调......

But - these queues don't have infinite capacity.但是 - 这些队列没有无限容量。 In fact, empirically, I find that this limit is not super-high, eg in the thousands, not millions.事实上,根据经验,我发现这个限制并不是特别高,例如数千,而不是数百万。

My questions:我的问题:

  1. Is the size/capacity of a CUDA stream fixed in terms of any kind of enqueued items, or does the capacity behave differently based on what kind of actions/tasks you enqueue? CUDA 流的大小/容量是否根据任何类型的排队项目固定,或者容量是否会根据您排队的操作/任务而有所不同?
  2. How can I determine this capacity other than enqueuing more and more stuff until I can no longer fit any?除了将越来越多的东西排入队列直到我无法容纳任何东西之外,我如何确定这个容量?

Is the size/capacity of a CUDA stream fixed in terms of any kind of enqueued items, or does the capacity behave differently based on what kind of actions/tasks you enqueue? CUDA 流的大小/容量是否根据任何类型的排队项目固定,或者容量是否会根据您排队的操作/任务而有所不同?

The "capacity" behaves differently based on actions/tasks you enqueue. “容量”的行为会根据您排队的操作/任务而有所不同。

Here is a demonstration :这是一个演示

If we enqueue a single host function/callback in the midst of a number of kernel calls, on a Tesla V100 on CUDA 11.4 I observe a "capacity" for ~1000 enqueued items.如果我们在多个内核调用中将单个主机函数/回调入队,在 CUDA 11.4 上的 Tesla V100 上,我观察到大约 1000 个入队项目的“容量”。 However if I alternate kernel calls and host functions, I observe a capacity for ~100 enqueued items.但是,如果我交替使用内核调用和主机函数,我观察到大约 100 个排队项目的容量。

// test case with alternating kernels and callbacks

$ cat t2042a.cu
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>

#define CUDACHECK(x) x
// empty kernel
__global__ void NoOpKernel() {}

// for blocking stream to wait for host signal
class Event {
  std::mutex mtx_condition_;
  std::condition_variable condition_;
  bool signalled = false;

  void Signal() {
      std::lock_guard<decltype(mtx_condition_)> lock(mtx_condition_);
      signalled = true;

  void Wait() {
    std::unique_lock<decltype(mtx_condition_)> lock(mtx_condition_);
    while (!signalled) {

void CUDART_CB block_op_host_fn(void* arg) {
  Event* evt = (Event*)arg;

int main() {
  cudaStream_t stream;

  int num_events = 60; // 50 is okay, 60 will hang
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Event>> event_vec;

  for (int i = 0; i < num_events; i++) {
    std::cout << "Queuing NoOp " << i << std::endl;
    NoOpKernel<<<1, 128, 0, stream>>>(); // HERE : is where it hangs
    std::cout << "Queued NoOp " << i << std::endl;

    cudaLaunchHostFunc(stream, block_op_host_fn, event_vec.back().get());

    std::cout << "Queued block_op " << i << std::endl;

  for (int i = 0; i < num_events; i++) {

  // clean up
  return 0;
$ nvcc -o t2042a t2042a.cu
$ ./t2042a
Queuing NoOp 0
Queued NoOp 0
Queued block_op 0
Queuing NoOp 1
Queued NoOp 1
Queued block_op 1
Queuing NoOp 2
Queued NoOp 2
Queued block_op 2
Queuing NoOp 3
Queued NoOp 3
Queued block_op 3
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Queued NoOp 4
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Queuing NoOp 57

// test case with a single callback and many kernels

$ cat t2042.cu
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <cstdlib>
#define CUDACHECK(x) x
// empty kernel
__global__ void NoOpKernel() {}

// for blocking stream to wait for host signal
class Event {
  std::mutex mtx_condition_;
  std::condition_variable condition_;
  bool signalled = false;

  void Signal() {
      std::lock_guard<decltype(mtx_condition_)> lock(mtx_condition_);
      signalled = true;

  void Wait() {
    std::unique_lock<decltype(mtx_condition_)> lock(mtx_condition_);
    while (!signalled) {

void CUDART_CB block_op_host_fn(void* arg) {
  Event* evt = (Event*)arg;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  cudaStream_t stream;

  int num_loops = 2000; // 50 is okay, 60 will hang
  int num_events = 0;
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Event>> event_vec;
  if (argc > 1) num_loops = atoi(argv[1]);

  for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; i++) {
    std::cout << "Queuing NoOp " << i << std::endl;
    NoOpKernel<<<1, 128, 0, stream>>>(); // HERE : is where it hangs
    std::cout << "Queued NoOp " << i << std::endl;
    if (i == 0){
      cudaLaunchHostFunc(stream, block_op_host_fn, event_vec.back().get());

      std::cout << "Queued block_op " << i << std::endl;}

  for (int i = 0; i < num_events; i++) {

  // clean up
  return 0;
$ nvcc -o t2042 t2042.cu
$ nvcc -o t2042 t2042.cu
$ ./t2042
... <snip>
Queuing NoOp 1019
Queued NoOp 1019
Queuing NoOp 1020
Queued NoOp 1020
Queuing NoOp 1021
Queued NoOp 1021
Queuing NoOp 1022

(the code hangs when the queue becomes "full", and I terminate at that point with ctrl-C) (当队列“满”时,代码挂起,我用 ctrl-C 终止)

How can I determine this capacity other than enqueuing more and more stuff until I can no longer fit any?除了将越来越多的东西排入队列直到我无法容纳任何东西之外,我如何确定这个容量?

Currently, there is no specification for this in CUDA, nor any explicit method to query for this at runtime.目前,CUDA 中没有对此的规范,也没有任何在运行时查询此的显式方法。

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