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从 Python 字典中访问多个数据

[英]Accessing multiple data from Python dictionary

I have a Python dictionary that looks like this:我有一个看起来像这样的 Python 字典:

data = {
  "shape" : "rectangle",
  "dimensions" : [
      "length" : 15,
      "breadth": 20,
      "length" : 20,
      "breadth": 10,

In my use case, there would be over one hundred of these rectangles with their dimensions.在我的用例中,将有超过一百个这样的矩形及其尺寸。

I wrote this to find the area:我写这个是为了找到这个区域:

length = data['dimensions'][0]['length']
breadth = data['dimensions'][0]['breadth']
area = length * breadth 

Running the code above will give me the result of 300 because it multiplies the first two length and breadth data from the dictionary (15 * 20).运行上面的代码会给我 300 的结果,因为它将字典中的前两个长度和宽度数据相乘 (15 * 20)。

How do I also get the multiplied value of the other "length" and "breadth" data and add them together with a loop of some sort?如何获得其他“长度”和“宽度”数据的乘积值,并将它们与某种循环相加? Again, in my use case, there would be hundreds of these "length" and "breadth" data entries.同样,在我的用例中,会有数百个这样的“长度”和“宽度”数据条目。

You can use a list comprehension:您可以使用列表推导:

[item["length"] * item["breadth"] for item in data["dimensions"]]

This outputs:这输出:

[300, 200]

To sum them, you can use sum() :总结它们,你可以使用sum()

sum(item["length"] * item["breadth"] for item in data["dimensions"])

This outputs:这输出:


Passing a generator expression to sum works nicely.将生成器表达式传递给sum效果很好。

sum(dim['length'] * dim['breadth'] for dim in data['dimensions'])

The answer by BrokenBenchmark works nicely, but if the interim list of areas is not necessary, using the generator expression vs. the list comprehension avoids the creation of a list. BrokenBenchmark 的答案效果很好,但是如果不需要临时区域列表,则使用生成器表达式与列表推导可以避免创建列表。

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