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有人可以通过 GitHub 存储库从我的本地系统收集文件吗? 我看到 DS_Store 文件可能会打开这种可能性

[英]Could someone have gathered files from my local system via a GitHub repo? I see that DS_Store files might open up this possibility

Today I went into a GitHub repository I haven't worked on in a month or so since completing a bootcamp.今天我进入了一个 GitHub 存储库,自从完成训练营以来,我已经有一个月左右没有工作了。 It is a personal project where I have basically just seeded some database tables and had uploaded an image or two and started a React app displaying those.这是一个个人项目,我基本上只是播种了一些数据库表并上传了一两张图像并启动了一个显示这些图像的 React 应用程序。
When I went on today, in the public images folder was a profile photo and also a photo of my passport visa .今天去的时候,公共图片文件夹里有一张个人资料照片,还有一张我的护照签证照片。 I don't recall adding those!我不记得添加那些! and can't see that it would've even been an accident, though maybe I suppose.并且看不到它甚至会是一个意外,尽管我猜想。
Could having my fairly rookie code available to see on GitHub have led to me leaving something open for someone to get those files from my local system?在 GitHub 上可以看到我相当菜鸟的代码会导致我留下一些东西让别人从我的本地系统中获取这些文件吗? I'm not sure how that would work but did read a little about .DS_Store files on Mac and there was one of those uncommitted in there too.我不确定这将如何工作,但确实阅读了一些有关 Mac 上 .DS_Store 文件的信息,并且其中也有一个未提交的文件。
Can anyone shed any insight?任何人都可以提供任何见解吗? Is it possible/likely someone scanned my files and grabbed those images for whatever reason?是否有可能/可能有人扫描了我的文件并出于某种原因抓取了这些图像?
I deleted the photos and ds_store file.我删除了照片和 ds_store 文件。

That is why I always do a git status , before a git commit : to double-check what I am about to commit.这就是为什么我总是在git commit之前做一个git status :仔细检查我将要提交的内容。

Unless someone has direct access to your machine, nobody else should have been able to add a personnel file but you.除非有人可以直接访问您的机器,否则除了您之外,没有其他人可以添加人事档案。

And remember: deleting the file only removes it from the most recent commit, not from past commits.请记住:删除文件只会将其从最近的提交中删除,而不是从过去的提交中删除。
Only a tool like git filter-repo (python-based) would allow you to remove it from all past commits, which changes the history and require a git push --force (not a big deal if you are the only one working on the repository).只有像git filter-repo (基于python)这样的工具才能让你从所有过去的提交中删除它,这会改变历史并需要git push --force (如果你是唯一一个致力于存储库)。

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