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如何将数据从 db2 备份文件迁移到 ms sql server 数据库?

[英]How do I migrate data from a db2 backup file to ms sql server database?

I have a db2 backup file and a windows environment with sql server 2019. I need to migrate the data from db2 to sql server.我有一个db2备份文件和一个带有sql server 2019的windows环境。我需要将数据从db2迁移到sql server。 I went through various solutions and all requires connection to IBM Iseries system.我经历了各种解决方案,都需要连接到 IBM Iseries 系统。 Is there any way to achieve this without connection to IBM i series system with just db2 backup file?有没有什么方法可以在不连接到 IBM i 系列系统的情况下仅使用 db2 备份文件来实现这一点? Or how do i install a db2 database server in my windows so that i can use that to restore db2 backup and then use it to migrate to sql database using SSIS?或者我如何在我的 Windows 中安装一个 db2 数据库服务器,以便我可以使用它来恢复 db2 备份,然后使用它使用 SSIS 迁移到 sql 数据库? I have no experience with db2 or iseries.我没有使用 db2 或 iseries 的经验。

Db2 for Linux, Unix and Windows (aka Db2 for LUW) and Db2 for IBM i (aka Db2 for iSeries) are different products running on different operating systems. Db2 for Linux, Unix and Windows(又名 Db2 for LUW)和 Db2 for IBM i(又名 Db2 for iSeries)是在不同操作系统上运行的不同产品。
You can't use backup files from Db2 for IBM i to restore the information from it to Db2 for LUW, and you can't install Db2 for IBM i on your Windows system.您不能使用 Db2 for IBM i 中的备份文件将信息从它恢复到 Db2 for LUW,也不能在 Windows 系统上安装 Db2 for IBM i。

So, there is no way to use this backup file without Db2 for IBM i.因此,如果没有 Db2 for IBM i,就无法使用此备份文件。

you can ask iSeries (AS400) sysadmin to do a CSV export of the tables.您可以要求 iSeries (AS400) 系统管理员对表进行 CSV 导出。 after you can import the CSV into your mysql在您可以将 CSV 导入您的 mysql 之后

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