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大写名称 - 改变原始数组

[英]Capitalise names - Mutate original array

I have the following array:我有以下数组:

const people = [
    "JoHn", "ChrISTiana", "anThoNY", "MARia", "jaMeS", "MIChaEl", "jeNNIFeR"

I want to capitalise the first letter of each word and lowercase the rest.我想将每个单词的第一个字母大写,其余的小写。

I have used the following function to generate a new array:我使用以下函数生成了一个新数组:

let capitaliseNames = (arr) => {
  return arr.map((item) => item[0].toUpperCase() + item.slice(1).toLowerCase());

But how do I mutate the original array?但是我如何改变原始数组呢? I have tried the same approach but using forEach and it doesn't seem to work.我尝试了相同的方法,但使用了 forEach,但它似乎不起作用。


let capitaliseNames = (arr) => { arr.forEach((elem, i) => { arr[i] = elem[0].toUpperCase() + elem.slice(1).toLowerCase() }); };

First: toLowerCase() then you can use a custom function for the mutation the first letter.首先: toLowerCase()然后您可以使用自定义函数来突变第一个字母。

UPDATE Use a loop where you can manipulate the original array.更新使用循环,您可以在其中操作原始数组。 For example a for loop.例如 for 循环。

 const people = ["JoHn", "ChrISTiana", "anThoNY", "MARia", "jaMeS", "MIChaEl", "jeNNIFeR"]; for(let i = 0; i < people.length; i++) { people[i] = capitalizeFirstLetter( people[i].toLowerCase() ) ; } function capitalizeFirstLetter(str) { return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } console.log(people)

Use forEach() instead of map() and reassign the mutated value back to the original array:使用forEach()而不是map()并将变异值重新分配回原始数组:

 const people = ["JoHn", "ChrISTiana", "anThoNY", "MARia", "jaMeS", "MIChaEl", "jeNNIFeR"]; const capitaliseNames = (arr) => arr.forEach( (v, i, a) => a[i] = v[0].toUpperCase() + v.slice(1).toLowerCase() ); capitaliseNames(people); console.log(people);

Had a go using the for loop and this works:尝试使用 for 循环,这很有效:

let capitaliseNames = (arr) => {
    for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        arr[i] = arr[i][0].toUpperCase() + arr[i].slice(1).toLowerCase();

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