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如何以这种方式显示不同尺寸的图像? 是否有 jquery 插件可以做到这一点

[英]How can I display images of different sizes in this way? And is there jquery plugins to do that

How can I display images of different sizes in this way?如何以这种方式显示不同尺寸的图像? And is there jquery plugins to do that?是否有 jquery 插件可以做到这一点?

https://i.stack.imgur.com/ELll7.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/ELll7.png

I noticed from inspect that he manipulates top and left properties and he gave images absolute position and dad fixed height so they don't pop out of elements, I tried to do it in CSS, but I think it needs javascript我从检查中注意到他操纵了 top 和 left 属性,他给了图像绝对位置和爸爸固定高度,所以它们不会弹出元素,我试图在 CSS 中做到这一点,但我认为它需要 javascript

That style is called masonry, and yes, there are JQuery plugins that will help you achieve that.这种风格被称为砌体,是的,有一些 JQuery 插件可以帮助您实现这一目标。 You will need to define a CSS Grid along with its elements, though.不过,您需要定义一个 CSS Grid 及其元素。 Here's a plugin for Masonry galleries,这是砌体画廊的插件,

https://masonry.desandro.com/#install https://masonry.desandro.com/#install

You'll need to add the file to your final website for it to work.您需要将该文件添加到您的最终网站才能正常工作。

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