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如何使用 React 在 Table Pagination Material-ui v.5.0 中更改 styles

[英]How to change styles in Table Pagination Material-ui v.5.0 with React

I'm trying to change the width, height and color of table pagination on Material-ui V5.0 with React, but it does not accept classes.我正在尝试使用 React 更改 Material-ui V5.0 上表格分页的宽度、高度和颜色,但它不接受类。 As the pagination uses.MuiToolbar-root, if I make changes with a.css file, it brakes my MuiToolbar at the top of the App page.由于分页使用.MuiToolbar-root,如果我使用.ZC7A62​​8CBA22E28EB17B5F5C6AE2A266AZ 文件进行更改,它会在应用程序页面顶部停止我的MuiToolbar。 How should I apply the changes needed without braking the Appbar at the top?我应该如何应用所需的更改而不制动顶部的 Appbar? Also, I will need to change the padding of.MuiTableCell-root as well .此外,我还需要更改 .MuiTableCell-root 的填充 I'm sending my code bellow.我在下面发送我的代码。 Please all helps will be very appreciated.请所有帮助将不胜感激。

 // Component SupplierTable import React, {useState} from 'react' import './SupplierTable.css'; import SupplierForm from './SupplierForm'; import PageHeader from '../components/PageHeader'; import FactoryIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Factory'; import * as supplierService from '../services/EmployeeService'; import Controls from "../components/controls/Controls"; import { InputAdornment } from '@mui/material'; import SearchIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Search'; import AddIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Add'; import Box from '@mui/material/Box'; import Paper from '@mui/material/Paper'; import useTable from "../components/useTable"; import { makeStyles } from '@mui/styles'; import ModeEditOutlineIcon from '@mui/icons-material/ModeEditOutline'; import { TableRow, TableBody, TableCell } from '@mui/material'; import CloseIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Close'; import Popup from '../components/Poup'; import Notification from '../components/Notifications'; import ConfirmDialog from '../components/ConfirmDialog'; import Grid from '@mui/material/Grid'; const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({ overrides: { '&.MuiTablePagination-root':{ width: '960px', height: '35px', backgroundColor: '#a9aeb3', color: 'rgb(41, 39, 39)', fontFamily: 'Arial, Helvetica, sansSerif', fontWeight: '700', } }, pageContent: { margin: theme.spacing(1), padding: theme.spacing(3) }, searchInput: { width: '50%' }, newButton: { position: 'absolute', right: '0px' }, })); const headCells = [ { id: 'fullName', label: 'Employee Name' }, { id: 'email', label: 'Email Address (Personal)' }, { id: 'mobile', label: 'Mobile Number' }, { id: 'department', label: 'Department' }, { id: 'actions', label: 'Actions', disableSorting: true } ] export default function Supplyer() { const classes = useStyles(); const [recordForEdit, setRecordForEdit] = useState(null) const [records, setRecords] = useState(supplierService.getAllSuppliers()) const [filterFn, setFilterFn] = useState({ fn: items => { return items; } }) const [openPopup, setOpenPopup] = useState(false) const [notify, setNotify] = useState({ isOpen: false, message: '', type: '' }) const [confirmDialog, setConfirmDialog] = useState({ isOpen: false, title: '', subTitle: '' }) const { TblContainer, TblHead, TblPagination, recordsAfterPagingAndSorting } = useTable(records, headCells, filterFn); const handleSearch = e => { let target = e.target; setFilterFn({ fn: items => { if (target.value == "") return items; else return items.filter(x => x.fullName.toLowerCase().includes(target.value)) } }) } const addOrEdit = (employee, resetForm) => { if (employee.id == 0) supplierService.insertEmployee(employee) else supplierService.updateEmployee(employee) resetForm() setRecordForEdit(null) setOpenPopup(false) setRecords(supplierService.getAllEmployees()) setNotify({ isOpen: true, message: 'Submitted Successfully', type: 'success' }) } const openInPopup = item => { setRecordForEdit(item) setOpenPopup(true) } const onDelete = id => { setConfirmDialog({...confirmDialog, isOpen: false }) supplierService.deleteEmployee(id); setRecords(supplierService.getAllEmployees()) setNotify({ isOpen: true, message: 'Deleted Successfully', type: 'error' }) } return ( <> <PageHeader title= "Fornecedores" subTitle="Tabela de Fornecedores - Novo / Atualizar" icon={<FactoryIcon fontSize="large" text-align='center'/>} /> <Box sx={{width: "1060px"}}> <Paper className={classes.pageContent}> <Grid container direction= 'row' justifyContent="space-between" > <Controls.Input label="Pesquisar Fornecedor" className={classes.searchInput} InputProps={{ startAdornment: (<InputAdornment position="start"> <SearchIcon /> </InputAdornment>) }} onChange={handleSearch} /> <Controls.Button text="Adicionar" variant="outlined" color="primary" startIcon={<AddIcon />} className={classes.newButton} onClick={() => { setOpenPopup(true); setRecordForEdit(null); }} /> </Grid> <TblContainer> <TblHead /> <TableBody> { recordsAfterPagingAndSorting().map(item => (<TableRow key={item.id}> <TableCell>{item.fullName}</TableCell> <TableCell>{item.email}</TableCell> <TableCell>{item.mobile}</TableCell> <TableCell>{item.department}</TableCell> <TableCell> <Controls.ActionButton color="primary" onClick={() => { openInPopup(item) }}> <ModeEditOutlineIcon fontSize="small" /> </Controls.ActionButton> <Controls.ActionButton color="secondary" onClick={() => { setConfirmDialog({ isOpen: true, title: 'Are you sure to delete this record?', subTitle: "You can't undo this operation", onConfirm: () => { onDelete(item.id) } }) }}> <CloseIcon fontSize="small" /> </Controls.ActionButton> </TableCell> </TableRow>) ) } </TableBody> </TblContainer> **strong text** // Pagination begins here::,:, <TblPagination components={{ Toolbar: props => ( <div> style={{ backgroundColor, '#a9aeb3', width, '950px': color 'rgb(41 39 39)' height '35px' }} </div> ) }}/> </Paper> </Box> <Popup title="Employee Form" openPopup={openPopup} setOpenPopup={setOpenPopup} > <SupplierForm recordForEdit={recordForEdit} addOrEdit={addOrEdit} /> </Popup> <Notification notify={notify} setNotify={setNotify} /> <ConfirmDialog confirmDialog={confirmDialog} setConfirmDialog={setConfirmDialog} /> </> ) }

I've been struggling with styling the pagination component myself, but just got it working using sx.我自己一直在努力设计分页组件的样式,但只是使用 sx 让它工作。
Try with something like this:尝试这样的事情:

 <TablePagination sx={{ '.MuiTablePagination-toolbar': { backgroundColor: '#a9aeb3', width: '950px', color: 'rgb(41, 39, 39)', height: '35px', }, }} />

Edit: I tried styling "everything" just to see how it would be done, look here for ideas if there was something else you needed to style.编辑:我尝试设计“一切”只是为了看看它是如何完成的,如果你需要设计其他东西,请在这里寻找想法。

 <Pagination {...mTablePaginationProps} rowsPerPage={rowsPerPage} onRowsPerPageChange={onRowsPerPageSelect} component="div" onPageChange={onPageChange} sx={{ backgroundColor: 'red,important': // gets overridden if not important height, '70px'. ':MuiInputBase-root': { backgroundColor, 'green', }. ':MuiTablePagination-toolbar': { backgroundColor, 'pink': width, '950px': color, 'rgb(41, 39, 39)': height, '35px', }. ':MuiBox-root': { backgroundColor, 'yellow': color, 'black'. '&:MuiSvgIcon-root': { backgroundColor, 'purple': color, 'black', }, }. }} SelectProps={{...mTablePaginationProps,SelectProps: MenuProps. {...mTablePaginationProps.SelectProps,MenuProps: sx. { ':MuiPaper-root': { backgroundColor, 'rosybrown': color, 'black', }. ':MuiTablePagination-menuItem': { ':hover': { backgroundColor, 'turquoise', }: backgroundColor, 'yellow', }. '.MuiTablePagination-menuItem:Mui-selected': { ':hover': { backgroundColor, 'blue', }: backgroundColor, 'purple', }, }, } }} />

This ends up looking like this:这最终看起来像这样: 可怕的表格分页

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