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有没有将 SAP ABAP 例程转换为 SQL 的方法?

[英]Is there a method to convert SAP ABAP routines to SQL?

I need to replicate a provider in SAP BW system to GCP Bigquery.我需要将 SAP BW 系统中的提供程序复制到 GCP Bigquery。 I have all the underlying data sources for provider copied in BigQuery.我在 BigQuery 中复制了提供程序的所有基础数​​据源。 To create the provider, I need to understand the ABAP routine determining condition of joins and logic for all data sources.要创建提供程序,我需要了解 ABAP 例程确定所有数据源的连接条件和逻辑。 Do we have any tool or method with which we can convert the ABAP routine to SQL, which I can then use in bigquery.我们是否有任何工具或方法可以将 ABAP 例程转换为 SQL,然后我可以在 bigquery 中使用它。

No. ABAP routines, as you name them, or ABAP SQL statements are written with a special SAP dialect of SQL called OpenSql , which is unified for all databases.不。ABAP 例程,正如您所命名的那样,或者 ABAP SQL 语句是用一种特殊的 SAP SQL 方言编写的,称为OpenSql ,它对所有数据库都是统一的。 The implementation of one or another OpenSQL query on certain RDBMS and on certain platform may vary.在某些 RDBMS 和某些平台上执行一个或另一个 OpenSQL 查询可能会有所不同。 So only manual way.所以只能手动方式。

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