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转换成 LINQ 表达式树

[英]Convert into LINQ expression tree

I have a LINQ statement I want to convert it into Expression Tree我有一个 LINQ 语句我想将它转换成表达式树

public class tblEmpLocation
    public uint EmpLocationId { get; set; }            
    public uint? EmpId { get; set; }      
    public uint? LocationId { get; set; }      
    public DateTime EffectiveDt { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;      

We have employee location class basically have the location the Employee Id and Location Id.我们有员工位置类,基本上有员工 ID 和位置 ID 的位置。

 public class temptable
   public uint Id{ get; set; }      
   public DateTime EffectiveDt { get; set; } 

We have the temp class which basically contain the Id and Effective date that is a sample class.我们有一个临时类,它基本上包含作为示例类的 ID 和有效日期。 Now we have similar table like employee Department, employee salary etc. so we want to create an linq extension that basically take the class as input and get the desired result现在我们有类似的表,比如员工部门、员工工资等,所以我们想创建一个 linq 扩展,基本上将类作为输入并获得所需的结果

List<tblEmpLocation> tbls = new List<tblEmpLocation>();

var data=tbls.GroupBy(p => p.EmpId).Select(q => new temptable{ Id=q.Key, EffectiveDt=q.Max(r => r.EffectiveDt) });

thanks for help感谢帮助

This is universal implementation of DistinctBy method, which returns last record of the group.这是DistinctBy方法的通用实现,它返回组的最后一条记录。

Schematically when you make the following call:进行以下调用时的示意图:

query = query.DistinctBy(e => e.EmpId, e => e.EffectiveDt);
// or with complex keys
query = query.DistinctBy(e => new { e.EmpId, e.Other }, e => new { e.EffectiveDt, e.SomeOther});

Or fully dynamic或全动态

query = query.DistinctBy("EmpId", "EffectiveDt");

Function generates the following query:函数生成以下查询:

query = 
   from d in query.Select(d => d.EmpId).Distinct()
   from e in query
        .Where(e => e.EmpId == d)
        .OrderByDescending(e => e.EffectiveDt)
    select e;

Or with complex keys:或者使用复杂的键:

query = 
   from d in query.Select(d => new { d.EmpId, d.Other }).Distinct()
   from e in query
        .Where(e => e.EmpId == d.EmpId && e.Other == d.Other)
        .OrderByDescending(e => e.EffectiveDt)
        .ThenByDescending(e => e.SomeOther)
    select e;

And realisation:和实现:

public static class QueryableExtensions
    public static IQueryable<T> DistinctBy<T>(
        this IQueryable<T> source,
        string distinctPropName,
        string maxPropName)
        var entityParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "e");
        var distinctBy = Expression.Lambda(MakePropPath(entityParam, distinctPropName), entityParam);
        var maxBy = Expression.Lambda(MakePropPath(entityParam, maxPropName), entityParam);

        var queryExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(QueryableExtensions), nameof(QueryableExtensions.DistinctBy),
            new[] { typeof(T), distinctBy.Body.Type, maxBy.Body.Type },

        var executionLambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<IQueryable<T>>>(queryExpression);
        return executionLambda.Compile()();

    public static IQueryable<T> DistinctBy<T, TKey, TMax>(
        this IQueryable<T>        source, 
        Expression<Func<T, TKey>> distinctBy, 
        Expression<Func<T, TMax>> maxBy)
        var distinctQuery = source.Select(distinctBy).Distinct();

        var distinctParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TKey), "d");
        var entityParam   = distinctBy.Parameters[0];

        var mapping = MapMembers(distinctBy.Body, distinctParam).ToList();

        var orderParam  = maxBy.Parameters[0];
        var oderMapping = CollectMembers(maxBy.Body).ToList();

        var whereExpr = mapping.Select(t => Expression.Equal(t.Item1, t.Item2))
        var whereLambda = Expression.Lambda(whereExpr, entityParam);

        // d => query.Where(x => d.distinctBy == x.distinctBy).Take(1)
        Expression selectExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), nameof(Queryable.Where), new[] { typeof(T) },

        // prepare OrderByPart
        for (int i = 0; i < oderMapping.Count; i++)
            var orderMethod = i == 0 ? nameof(Queryable.OrderByDescending) : nameof(Queryable.ThenByDescending);

            var orderItem = oderMapping[i];
            selectExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), orderMethod, new[] { typeof(T), orderItem.Type },
                selectExpression, Expression.Lambda(orderItem, orderParam));

        // Take(1)
        selectExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), nameof(Queryable.Take), new[] { typeof(T) },

        var selectManySelector =
            Expression.Lambda<Func<TKey, IEnumerable<T>>>(selectExpression, distinctParam);

        var selectManyQuery = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), nameof(Queryable.SelectMany),
            new[] { typeof(TKey), typeof(T) }, distinctQuery.Expression, selectManySelector);

        return source.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(selectManyQuery);

    static Expression MakePropPath(Expression objExpression, string path)
        return path.Split('.').Aggregate(objExpression, Expression.PropertyOrField);

    private static IEnumerable<Tuple<Expression, Expression>> MapMembers(Expression expr, Expression projectionPath)
        switch (expr.NodeType)
            case ExpressionType.New:
                var ne = (NewExpression)expr;

                for (int i = 0; i < ne.Arguments.Count; i++)
                    foreach (var e in MapMembers(ne.Arguments[i], Expression.MakeMemberAccess(projectionPath, ne.Members[i])))
                        yield return e;

                yield return Tuple.Create(projectionPath, expr);

    private static IEnumerable<Expression> CollectMembers(Expression expr)
        switch (expr.NodeType)
            case ExpressionType.New:
                var ne = (NewExpression)expr;

                for (int i = 0; i < ne.Arguments.Count; i++)
                    yield return ne.Arguments[i];

                yield return expr;

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