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xml 肥皂响应解析 pdf 文件 oracle

[英]xml soap response parse pdf file oracle

I am consuming a SOAP base service which is returning a pdf file in response, i want to parse response into a blob type.我正在使用一个 SOAP 基础服务,它返回一个 pdf 文件作为响应,我想将响应解析为 blob 类型。 I have below code to consume soap service , however i am getting pdf file but its failed open or download as its invalid file.我有下面的代码来使用soap服务,但是我得到了pdf文件,但它打开失败或下载为无效文件。

p_ref_no varchar2(100) := '290313008810';
l_key varchar2(100) := post_shipments_shipper.getKey('LIVE');
l_envelope  CLOB;
l_xml       XMLTYPE;
l_result    varchar2(2000);
l_pdf       clob;
l_pdf_file blob;
pragma autonomous_transaction;
        l_envelope := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:sms="http://track.smsaexpress.com/secom/SMSAWebserviceIntl">
      -- Get the XML response from the web service.
      l_xml := APEX_WEB_SERVICE.make_request(
        p_url      => 'http://track.smsaexpress.com/SECOM/SMSAwebServiceIntl.asmx',
        p_action   => 'http://track.smsaexpress.com/secom/SMSAWebserviceIntl/getPDF',
        p_envelope => l_envelope
      -- Display the whole SOAP document returned.
     -- DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('l_xml= ' || l_xml.getClobVal());
    -- RETURN l_xml.getClobVal();  
      l_pdf := APEX_WEB_SERVICE.parse_xml_clob(
        p_xml   => l_xml,
        p_xpath => '//getPDFResult',
        p_ns    => 'xmlns="http://track.smsaexpress.com/secom/SMSAWebserviceIntl"'
        l_pdf_file := APEX_WEB_SERVICE.CLOBBASE642BLOB(l_pdf);

        delete from shipment_labels;

        insert into shipment_labels values (l_pdf_file,'abc.pdf','application/pdf',l_pdf);


I am trying to to parse pdf file and inserting into a table with column type blob , however file contents are invalid and unable to open as media.我正在尝试解析 pdf 文件并插入到列类型为 blob 的表中,但是文件内容无效并且无法作为媒体打开。

I think the issue is in your parse_xml_clob call.我认为问题出在您的parse_xml_clob调用中。 If you look at your l_pdf values which are getting saved in the table, I think they will look like this:如果您查看保存在表中的 l_pdf 值,我认为它们将如下所示:

<getPDFResult xmlns="http://track.smsaexpress.com/secom/SMSAWebserviceIntl">...your base64Binary...</getPDFResult>

But you only want the inside text.但是您只需要内部文本。 Based on the example in the documentation , you want the XPath to return the text node(s) inside the <getPDFResult> node, not the node itself.根据文档中的示例,您希望 XPath 返回<getPDFResult>节点内的文本节点,而不是节点本身。

l_pdf := APEX_WEB_SERVICE.parse_xml_clob(
    p_xml   => l_xml,
    p_xpath => '//getPDFResult/text()',
    p_ns    => 'xmlns="http://track.smsaexpress.com/secom/SMSAWebserviceIntl"'

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