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Apple Pay,我们可以将一个商家 ID 用于多个应用程序吗?

[英]Apple Pay, Can we use one merchant id for multiple apps?

我们正在构建一个具有多个目标(应用程序)的电子商务项目,我的问题是我们可以为所有应用程序使用一个商家 ID 吗?

To enable your app to use Apple Pay, register an identifier with Apple that uniquely identifies your business as a merchant able to accept payments.要使您的应用程序能够使用 Apple Pay,请向 Apple 注册一个标识符,该标识符将您的企业唯一标识为能够接受付款的商家。 This ID never expires, and can be used in multiple websites and apps.此 ID永不过期,可在多个网站和应用程序中使用。

See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/passkit/apple_pay/setting_up_apple_pay请参阅https://developer.apple.com/documentation/passkit/apple_pay/setting_up_apple_pay

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