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ReadProvisionedThroughputExceeded 指标的 Sum 和 SampleCount 统计数据的单位是什么?

[英]What are the units for Sum & SampleCount stats for ReadProvisionedThroughputExceeded metric?

What does it mean to have different values for Sum() vs SampleCount() stats over ReadProvisonedThroughputExceeded metric for kinesis stream?对于 stream 的ReadProvisonedThroughputExceeded指标, Sum()SampleCount()统计数据具有不同的值意味着什么? Shouldn't it be the same?不应该一样吗?

Period = 5 mins周期 = 5 分钟



The ReadProvisonedThroughputExceeded shows the ReadProvisonedThroughputExceeded显示

The number of GetRecords calls throttled限制的GetRecords调用次数

See here .这里

Meric is published per GetRecords call and the value is 0 if the call was not throttled or 1 if the call was throttled.每个GetRecords调用都会发布 Meric,如果调用未受到限制,则值为 0,如果调用受到限制,则值为 1。 So graphing the SampleCount will give you the number of GetRecords calls.因此绘制SampleCount图表将为您提供GetRecords调用的次数。 Sum will give you the total number of throttled calls. Sum将为您提供受限呼叫的总数。 The most useful stat here is probably the Average , which will give you the percentage of throttled calls.这里最有用的统计数据可能是Average ,它将为您提供受限调用的百分比。

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