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IPC 消息传递(Windows)

[英]IPC Message passing (windows)

I've started to learn Inter-process communication mechanisms.我已经开始学习进程间通信机制。 It seems that two the most popular are shared memory and message passing, but I can't find any tutorials how to use message passing in Windows.似乎最流行的两个是共享内存和消息传递,但我找不到任何教程如何在 Windows 中使用消息传递。 So is there such mechanism in Windows, if it is so can you please provide me with tutorial link?那么Windows中是否有这种机制,如果有,请您提供教程链接吗?

FYI, I know that there're other more flexible mechanisms like pipes or sockets, but I also wanna learn message passing in Windows.仅供参考,我知道还有其他更灵活的机制,如管道或套接字,但我也想学习 Windows 中的消息传递。

The following IPC mechanisms are supported by Windows : Windows 支持以下 IPC 机制

  • Clipboard剪贴板
  • COM通讯
  • Data Copy数据复制
  • File Mapping文件映射
  • Mailslots邮槽
  • Pipes管道
  • Windows Sockets Windows 套接字

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