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[英]How can I loop through a linked list and print each piece of data that matches the input?

I'm working on this method but am running into an issue.我正在研究这种方法,但遇到了问题。 When I enter a word that matches the data in an index of the linked list, it only prints the first index of the Linked List the same number of times that the word I entered appears in the entire linked list.当我输入一个与链表索引中的数据匹配的单词时,它只打印链表的第一个索引,其次数与我输入的单词在整个链表中出现的次数相同。

public void iteratePrint(T aData) {
    if (head == null) {
    //Typecast aData to string, and make it lowercase.
    String a = (String)aData;
    String strInput = a.toLowerCase();

    //Create temp listnode to loop through.
    ListNode temp =  head;
    //While temp is not null, check for match and if so, print.
    while(temp != null) {

        //Typecast temp.data into string (all of the data is a string anyway) and
        //Make sure it is lowercase.
        String b = (String)temp.data;
        String strTemp = b.toLowerCase();
        //This checks for the match and prints the current line.
        //Not currently working
        temp = temp.next;

For example: The linked list contains these as String data with their respective indices (balls bounce far, dogs play fetch with balls, my favorite toy is a ball).例如:链表包含这些字符串数据及其各自的索引(球弹得远,狗玩球,我最喜欢的玩具是球)。 If I enter my input as "ball", I would like it to print out as如果我将输入输入为“球”,我希望它打印为

balls bounce far
dogs play fetch with balls
my favorite toy is a ball

However, it only prints out this:但是,它只打印出这个:

balls bounce far
balls bounce far
balls bounce far

Ball appears 3 times, and it is only printing out the first index of the linked list the amount of times that the input appears. Ball 出现 3 次,它只打印出链表的第一个索引输入出现的次数。

If strTemp.contains(strInput) is not satisfied temp = temp.next;如果strTemp.contains(strInput)不满足temp = temp.next; will not get executed hence while loop will get stuck.不会被执行,因此 while 循环会卡住。 Take temp = temp.next;temp = temp.next; outside of the if statement.在 if 语句之外。

I've solved the issue.我已经解决了这个问题。 The problem was with my getCurrent() method.问题出在我的getCurrent()方法上。 It was returning current.data , when I needed to return my temp.data .当我需要返回temp.data时,它正在返回current.data Thanks to everyone who helped!感谢所有帮助过的人! I appreciate it.我很感激。

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