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未在 StateFlow observable 中接收更新

[英]Not receiving updates in StateFlow observable

I have two classes我有两节课

class ChildFragment : ParentFragment {
           viewModel.location.collectLatest { result ->
                when (result) {
                    is LocationResult.Unit -> {}
                    is LocationResult.Error -> {}
                    is LocationResult.Success -> {} // Not recieving callback here.
class ChildViewModel : ParentViewModel

class ParentFragment
class ParentViewModel {
    private val _location = MutableStateFlow<LocationResult>(LocationResult.Unit)
    val location = _location.asStateFlow()

    fun updateLocation(location: Location) {
        _location.value = LocationResult.Success(location)

I am receiving the first Unit result in the flow callback but does not receive it once I call the update method.我在流回调中收到第一个单元结果,但在调用更新方法后没有收到它。

Anything, in particular, that is being done wrong?有什么特别是做错了吗? Please help.请帮忙。

I would suggest at your fun updateLocation , implement also with the others like below我会建议在你有趣的updateLocation中,也可以与下面的其他人一起实施

fun updateLocation(location: Location) {
    try {
        _location.value = LocationResult.Success(location)
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        _location.value = LocationResult.Error(e.message)

with this LocationResult.Error , you are able to know if there is any error or not.有了这个LocationResult.Error ,您就可以知道是否有任何错误。 Please not to avoid any exception for futures.请不要避免期货的任何例外。

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