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ctypes python中的浮点指针并传递结构指针

[英]float pointer in ctypes python and pass structure pointer

I'm trying to pass a structure pointer to the API wrapper, Where the struct is containing float pointer member.我正在尝试将结构指针传递给 API 包装器,其中结构包含浮点指针成员。 I'm not sure that how we can pass float pointer value to the structure.我不确定我们如何将浮点指针值传递给结构。

/ Structure / /结构/

class input_struct (ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('number1', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)),
        ('number2', ctypes.c_float),
        #('option_enum', ctypes.POINTER(option))

/ wrapper / /包装/

init_func = c_instance.expose_init
init_func.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(input_struct)]

inp_str_ptr = input_struct()
#inp_str_ptr.number1 = cast(20, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)) # want to pass pointer
inp_str_ptr.number1 = 20 # want to pass as float pointer
inp_str_ptr.number2 = 100


You can either create a c_float instance and initialize with a pointer to that instance, or create a c_float array and pass it, which in ctypes imitates a decay to a pointer to its first element.您可以创建一个c_float实例并使用指向该实例的指针进行初始化,或者创建一个c_float数组并传递它,它在ctypes中模仿指向其第一个元素的指针的衰减。

Note that ctypes.pointer() creates pointers to existing instances of ctypes objects while ctypes.POINTER() creates pointer types .请注意, ctypes.pointer()创建指向现有ctypes对象实例的指针,而ctypes.POINTER()创建指针类型

test.c - for testing test.c - 用于测试

#ifdef _WIN32
#   define API __declspec(dllexport)
#   define API

typedef struct Input {
    float* number1;
    float  number2;
} Input;

API void expose_init(Input* input) {
    printf("%f %f\n",*input->number1, input->number2);


import ctypes

class input_struct (ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = (('number1', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)),
                ('number2', ctypes.c_float))

c_instance = ctypes.CDLL('./test')
init_func = c_instance.expose_init
# Good habit to fully define arguments and return type
init_func.argtypes = ctypes.POINTER(input_struct),
init_func.restype = None

inp_str_ptr = input_struct()
num = ctypes.c_float(20)     # instance of c_float, similar to C "float num = 20;"
inp_str_ptr.number1 = ctypes.pointer(num) # similar to C "inp_str_ptr.number1 = #"
inp_str_ptr.number2 = 100


# similar to C "float arr[1] = {30}; inp_str_ptr = arr;"
inp_str_ptr.number1 = (ctypes.c_float * 1)(30)


20.000000 100.000000
30.000000 100.000000

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