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Touche 全局手势变灰并显示“由 GNOME 使用”

[英]Touche global gestures grayed out and says "used by GNOME"

I just installed Manjaro 21.3.1 (with gnome 42) on my laptop and 3 and 4 finger gestures don't work.我刚刚在我的笔记本电脑上安装了 Manjaro 21.3.1(带有 gnome 42)并且 3 和 4 手指手势不起作用。

Touché UI 灰显

I tried reinstalling Touchegg from AUR as well as Touché (the UI app).我尝试从 AUR 和 Touché(UI 应用程序)重新安装 Touchegg。
I also tried those command lines from the Touchegg repository :我还尝试了 Touchegg存储库中的那些命令行:

 $ sudo systemctl enable touchegg.service $ sudo systemctl start touchegg

And the service is active and running:该服务处于活动状态并正在运行:

 ● touchegg.service - Touchégg Daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/touchegg.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active (running) since Sun 2022-07-03 12:42:52 CEST; 6min ago Docs: https://github.com/JoseExposito/touchegg/tree/master/installation#readme Main PID: 508 (touchegg) Tasks: 4 (limit: 9176) Memory: 13.8M CPU: 2.763s CGroup: /system.slice/touchegg.service └─508 /usr/bin/touchegg --daemon

I also verified if my track-pad could handle gestures.我还验证了我的触控板是否可以处理手势。

 Device: MSFT0001:02 06CB:7F8F Touchpad Kernel: /dev/input/event7 Group: 6 Seat: seat0, default Size: 102x67mm Capabilities: pointer gesture

Finally, I tried to install x11 gestures from gnome extensions but still nothing.最后,我尝试从 gnome 扩展安装x11 手势,但仍然没有。

Is there any way to solve this issue?有没有办法解决这个问题?
(I would prefer not using Wayland as it breaks some apps like Teams.) (我宁愿不使用 Wayland,因为它会破坏 Teams 等一些应用程序。)

I managed to find a solution to "ungray" the settings.我设法找到了“取消灰色”设置的解决方案。

I went to /home/.config/touchegg.conf and replaced all the我去了/home/.config/touchegg.conf并更换了所有

<action type="GNOME_SHELL"></action>


<action type="SHOW_DESKTOP"> <animate>true</animate> </action>

And then I changed manually in the Touché GUI what I wanted.然后我在 Touché GUI 中手动更改了我想要的内容。

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