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GWT2.10.0 Java11+ Eclipse 兼容吗?

[英]Is GWT2.10.0 Java11+ Eclipse compatible?

I have a large program using GWT Java8 in my Eclipse development environment.我在 Eclipse 开发环境中有一个使用 GWT Java8 的大型程序。 I am struggeling hard to understand modules - jigsaw - etc. By reading through all the threads I get bits an pieces that lead me to the conclusion, that this is not sensible to persue.我正在努力理解模块 - 拼图 - 等等。通过阅读所有线程,我得到了一些片段,让我得出结论,这是不明智的。

  1. Eclipse does not continue on the GWT3.0 plugin Eclipse 在 GWT3.0 插件上不继续
  2. Some statments say - yes you can use JDK 11+ but you need to generate java 1.8 code一些陈述说 - 是的,您可以使用 JDK 11+,但您需要生成 java 1.8 代码
  3. From 1 Error with document xml parser I now got tons of errors for naming conventions of module-info.jar ...从 1 Error with document xml parser 我现在得到了大量关于 module-info.jar 命名约定的错误......

Does anyone have overcome these problems and is this combination of tools compatible for coding and debugging?有没有人克服了这些问题,这种工具组合是否兼容编码和调试? Which toolchain is properly supporting such a project?哪个工具链正确支持这样的项目?

Using a multi module Maven project based on https://github.com/tbroyer/gwt-maven-archetypes or https://github.com/NaluKit/gwt-maven-springboot-archetype does not require a special IDE.使用基于https://github.com/tbroyer/gwt-maven-archetypeshttps://github.com/NaluKit/gwt-maven-springboot-archetype的多模块 Maven 项目不需要特殊的 IDE。 This works well with Eclipse, IntelliJ or any IDE that supports Maven.这适用于 Eclipse、IntelliJ 或任何支持 Maven 的 IDE。 Even a special GWT plugin is not necessary.甚至不需要特殊的 GWT 插件。 I am running my GWT projects using Java 11 without problems.我正在使用 Java 11 运行我的 GWT 项目而没有问题。

To your questions:对于您的问题:

Eclipse does not continue on the GWT3.0 plugin Eclipse 在 GWT3.0 插件上不继续

Correct.正确的。 But people are working on fixing that problem.但人们正在努力解决这个问题。 For more informations, see: https://github.com/gwt-plugins/gwt-eclipse-plugin/issues/406有关更多信息,请参阅: https ://github.com/gwt-plugins/gwt-eclipse-plugin/issues/406

Some statments say - yes you can use JDK 11+ but you need to generate java 1.8 code一些陈述说 - 是的,您可以使用 JDK 11+,但您需要生成 java 1.8 代码

Check this for more informations.检查以获取更多信息。

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