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[英]When a bound property gets a input?

Currently im learning to build windows apps with mvvm with the Template Studio.目前我正在学习使用 Template Studio 使用 mvvm 构建 Windows 应用程序。 I added a SettingsPage what contains some elements like:我添加了一个 SettingsPage ,其中包含一些元素,例如:

<StackPanel x:Name="ContentArea">
        <CommandBar Background="Transparent" OverflowButtonVisibility="Collapsed">
            <AppBarButton Click="BtnSave_Click" Icon="Save" />          
            <PivotItem x:Uid="Settings_Personal">
                <StackPanel Margin="{StaticResource XSmallTopMargin}">
                    <TextBlock x:Uid="Settings_Personal_Firstname" />
                    <TextBox x:Uid="Settings_Personal_FirstnameBox" Text="{x:Bind ViewModel.Firstname, Mode=TwoWay}" />                        

My SettingsPage.xaml.cs:我的 SettingsPage.xaml.cs:

public sealed partial class SettingsPage : Page
      public SettingsViewModel ViewModel { get; }

      public SettingsPage()
         ViewModel = App.GetService<SettingsViewModel>();

      public void BtnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)

And my Viewmodel:还有我的视图模型:

public class SettingsViewModel : ObservableRecipient
private string _firstname;

public string Firstname
    get => _firstname;
    set => SetProperty(ref _firstname, value);

public SettingsViewModel(ILocalSettingsService localSettingsService)
    _localSettingsService = localSettingsService;

public async Task SetSetting()
    string test = Firstname;  // < My Breakpoint
    await _localSettingsService.SaveSettingAsync("Firstname", Firstname);

} }

At debug time, i'm filling the box with my firstname and set a brakpoint to the SetSettings Task.在调试时,我用我的名字填充该框,并为 SetSettings 任务设置一个制动点。 After clicking on the "Save" Button i can see, that Firstname is null.单击“保存”按钮后,我可以看到,Firstname 为空。 Do i have to add some more code for gettings the information from the box?我是否必须添加更多代码才能从框中获取信息?

由于{x:Bind}具有OneTime的默认模式,因此您应该将绑定的Mode设置为TwoWay ,以便您的源属性按预期设置:

Text="{x:Bind ViewModel.Firstname, Mode=TwoWay}"

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