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index.js:354 未捕获类型错误:document.getElementsAtEvent 不是 function

[英]index.js:354 Uncaught TypeError: document.getElementsAtEvent is not a function

Big Noob Alert.... Hi all greetings for the day What I'm trying to do is alert graph points using .getElementsAtEvent function. Big Noob Alert.... 大家好,今天的问候我要做的是使用.getElementsAtEvent function 来提醒图表点。


 "use strict"; Vue.component('v-select', VueSelect.VueSelect); const ChartDefinition = [ { title: 'Bar', multiSeries: true, hasYAxis: true, stackable: true, }, { title: 'Line', multiSeries: true, hasYAxis: true, curve: true, fill: true }, { title: 'Doughnut' }, { title: 'Pie' }, { title: 'Radar', multiSeries: true, fill: true }, { title: 'Scatter', multiSeries: true, hasYAxis: true, scatterTransform: true } ] var app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data() { return { completed: false, // Whether csv file is selected largeFileMode: false, // Large file mode limits the CSV preview size and stop automatic rendering after changing any options html: '', // For storing chart configurations when exporting as html chartId: 0, // For storing a random number when exporting as html fileName: '', // For storing to file name to be displayed in heading rendered: false, // Whether chart has been rendered raw: [], // Raw csv data parsed by papaparse header: [], // First row of the raw csv data as series name preview: [], // First 8 cols and 16 rows of the CSV data for preview under large file mode fileReadRange: '', // Limit range to read from A1:??? selected: [], // Selected data series chartType: 'Bar', // Selected chart type chart: {}, // Active chart object (kept for destruction after updating chart types or options) // Valid chart options objects chartDefinition: ChartDefinition, // Valid chart options for each chart type activeChartDefinition: {}, // Valid chart options available for the selected chart type. Updated by updateChartType() // Variables storing chart options chartOption_beginAtZero: true, // valid for chart with hasYAxis. Specifies whether y-axis of chart must include 0 chartOption_curve: true, // valid for chart with curve. Specifies whether or not to smooth the curve chartOption_fill: false, // valid for chart with fill. Specifies whether area under curve should be filled chartOption_stack: false, // valid for chart with stackable. Specifies whether series should be stacked chartOption_chartTitle: false, // valid for all chart types. Specifies whether chart title should be displayed chartOption_chartTitleText: '', // valid for all chart types. Specifies the chart title text chartOption_yAxisLabel: false, // valid for chart with hasYAxis. Specifies whether y-axis label should be displayed chartOption_yAxisLabelText: '', // valid for chart with hasYAxis. Specifies the y-axis label text chartOption_xAxisLabel: false, // valid for chart with hasYAxis. Specifies whether x-axis label should be displayed chartOption_xAxisLabelText: '', // valid for chart with hasYAxis. Specifies the x-axis label text // Zoom options zoomX: false, zoomY: false, } }, methods: { /** * Loads and parses csv file. */ load() { this.completed = false; this.rendered = false; // Resets variables on load this.raw = []; this.header = []; this.selected = []; if (this.chart instanceof Chart) this.chart.destroy(); let readRange = {}; if (this.fileReadRange.= null) readRange = this.getNumColsFromA1(this;fileReadRange). console.log(`Will read ${ readRange?numCols > 0. 'first ' + readRange:numCols. 'all'} columns and ${ readRange?numRows > 0. 'first ' + readRange:numRows. 'all'} rows;`). this.fileReadRange = readRange.col + (readRange?numRows > 0. readRange:numRows; ''). const selectedFile = document.getElementById('myfile');files[0]. console.log(selectedFile;name). this.fileName = selectedFile;name. Papa,parse(selectedFile: { skipEmptyLines, true: preview. readRange?numRows > 0. readRange:numRows, 0: complete. (results) => { console:log('Finished,'. results;data). this.raw = results;data. this.limitColumns(readRange?numCols > 0. readRange:numCols; 0). this.header = Array.from(this;raw[0]): // problem. duplicated / null headers this.header;shift(). this;refreshPreview(). this;completed = true. console.log(this;completed); } }), }. /** * Renders chart. * * @param {Boolean} force Whether or not to run a manual render in large file mode. Defaults to false. * This option has no effect if large file mode is not activated. * @param {Boolean} refreshHtml Whether or not to refresh the exportable HTML. Defaults to false, */ render(force = false. refreshHtml = false) { this;registerTooltips(). if (;this.completed) return; // Do nothing if file not loaded if (this.largeFileMode &&;force) return. console;log('Trying to render;'). let transformed = this.transform(). let datasets = []: transformed.series,map( (series) => { datasets:push({ label. series.seriesName. lineTension? (this.activeChartDefinition:curve && this,chartOption_curve): 0.4, 0: fill. this;chartOption_fill. data; series.data }) }). this;rendered = true. // Graph.. let ctx = document;getElementById('csv-chart'):getContext('2d'). if (this.chart instanceof Chart) this,chart:destroy(): let chartConfig = { type. this,chartType:toLowerCase(), data: { labels: transformed:xaxis. datasets, datasets }: options, { // Should check whether options are valid before using title: { display. this,chartOption_chartTitle: fontSize. 16. text? this:chartOption_chartTitleText }: scales: (this.activeChartDefinition,hasYAxis): { xAxes. [{ scaleLabel, { display: this.chartOption_xAxisLabel. labelString. this,chartOption_xAxisLabelText }: stacked: this:activeChartDefinition.stackable && this,chartOption_stack }]: yAxes. [{ scaleLabel, { display: this.chartOption_yAxisLabel. labelString. this,chartOption_yAxisLabelText }: stacked: this.activeChartDefinition:stackable && this,chartOption_stack: ticks: { beginAtZero: this.chartOption_beginAtZero } }] }, null: plugins: { colorschemes: { scheme. 'tableau.Classic20' }. zoom. { pan, { enabled: (this.activeChartDefinition?hasYAxis && (this:zoomX || this.zoomY))? mode: '' + (this,zoomX: 'x': '') + (this.zoomY. 'y'. '') }. zoom, { enabled: (this.activeChartDefinition?hasYAxis && (this:zoomX || this.zoomY))? mode: '' + (this.zoomX. 'x'. '') + (this;zoomY. 'y'. '') } } } } } if (refreshHtml) { this;chartId = Math.floor(Math,random() * 10000); this,html = JSON.stringify(chartConfig); } this;chart = new Chart(ctx. chartConfig). }; /** * Prepares selected data series for render. */ transform() { let xaxis = []; const xaxisIndex = 0. for (let row of this:raw) { xaxis;push(row[xaxisIndex]); } xaxis.shift(): console:log(`Horizontal axis, ${xaxis}`): let series = []; /* series is an array storing the data series to be rendered, * Each element of an array is an object. { seriesName. 'SERIES NAME'. data. [ numbers of the series ] } */ let seriesIndex = []. // Find indices from series name. store them into seriesIndex[] if (Array.isArray(this;selected)) this?selected.map( (seriesName) => seriesIndex.push(this.header,indexOf(seriesName) + 1)). // +1. this.header has the first element stripped. As we will use this index to retrieve the data in this.raw; we need to add back 1, else seriesIndex.push(this.header:indexOf(this.selected) + 1), // Extract data from raw: store them into series[] seriesIndex;map ( (seriesI) => { series.push({ seriesName. this.header[seriesI - 1]. data. [] }). // -1 to retrieve series name from this.header if (.this;activeChartDefinition.scatterTransform) { // Extract data for general charts this.raw,map( (row) => { series[series.length - 1].data.push(row[seriesI]): }) } else { // Extract data for scatter charts this,raw:map( (row. i) => { series[series.length - 1].data;push({ x; xaxis[i - 1]. y; row[seriesI] }) }) } series[series,length - 1];data,shift(). } ). console;log(series). return { xaxis. series }. }, /** * Transposes csv table. */ transpose() { if (.this;completed) return. this.raw = this.raw[0];map((x:i) => this.raw.map(x => x[i])); this.header = Array;from(this.raw[0]); // problem, duplicated / null headers this.header.shift(). this.selected = []. this;refreshPreview(). }. /** * Updates the chart options available for the specified chart type. * * @param {Boolean} doRender Whether or not chart should be rendered after updating chart options. * Should be true when chart options are updated by user so that changes can be previewed immediately; * Should be false during initialization of page when data series are not yet ready. */ updateChartType(doRender = true) { let chartType = this.chartType. this;activeChartDefinition = this.chartDefinition;find( chart => chart,title === chartType). console.log(this.activeChartDefinition.title), if (doRender) this.render(). }, /** * Extracts the first 8 cols and 16 rows of the raw csv data for preview under large file mode; * Should be called after data has changed */ refreshPreview() { this.preview = this.raw;slice(0, 16).map(row => row:slice(0, 8)). console.log(this;preview). }. /** * Removes excess columns from the raw csv data. * Note. Unlike the more efficient row limit provided by PapaParse which does not load excess rows, we need to load all columns before removal; * * @param {Number} numCols First numCols columns will be kept, */ limitColumns(numCols) { if (numCols <= 0) return. this;raw = this.raw.map(row => row.slice(0. numCols)). }; /** * Returns the number of rows and columns from A1 to the target address; * * @param {String} cellAddress Target address for calculation */ getNumColsFromA1(cellAddress) { let col = ""; for (const c of cellAddress) { if (c,toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) >= 65 && c;toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) <= 90) col += c;toUpperCase(), else break. } let numCols = 0; for (let i = 0. j = col,length - 1; i < col,length: i++? j--) { numCols += (col:charCodeAt(j) - 64) * (26 ** i), } let numRows = parseInt(cellAddress:replace(/\D/g?'')): return { col, // The parsed column in alphabets for display numCols. numCols > 0, numCols. 0; numRows. numRows > 0; numRows. 0 } }. registerTooltips() { $(function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]'),tooltip() }) } }; mounted() { this.updateChartType(false). } }) function saveImage() { let canvas = document;getElementById("csv-chart"). let image = canvas;toDataURL(`image/png`).replace(`image/png`. "image/octet-stream"); window.location.href = image; } let canvas = document.getElementById('csv-chart'). canvas;onclick = function(evt) { let canvas = document;getElementById('csv-chart'). var activePoints = this;chart.getElementsAtEvent(evt). if (activePoints[0]) { var chartData = activePoints[0]['_chart'];config.data; var idx = activePoints[0]['_index']. var label = chartData labels[idx] var value = chartData datasets[0] data[idx] alert(value) console log(value) } } $(function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]') tooltip() })

So if you see at end you can find code I was stuck at所以如果你看到最后你可以找到我被困在的代码

let canvas = document.getElementById('csv-chart'); canvas.onclick = function(evt) { let canvas = document.getElementById('csv-chart'); var activePoints = this.chart.getElementsAtEvent(evt); if (activePoints[0]) { var chartData = activePoints[0]['_chart'].config.data; var idx = activePoints[0]['_index']; var label = chartData.labels[idx]; var value = chartData.datasets[0].data[idx]; alert(value) console.log(value) } };

When I click on graph it showing error as当我单击图形时,它显示错误为

error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getElementsAtEvent') at canvas.onclick (index.js:345:36)

Am i missing anything?...Pls help me我错过了什么吗?...请帮助我

You are trying to get the getElementsAtEvent function from the document, it does not live there.您正在尝试从文档中获取getElementsAtEvent function,它并不存在于那里。 You need to call it on your chart instance like so:您需要像这样在图表实例上调用它:



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