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uber-cadence 中的工作流工作者是否可以控制协程的数量?

[英]Whether the workflow worker in uber-cadence has control of the number of coroutines?


Cadence or Temporal workflow only needs a worker to generate the next steps to execute. Cadence 或Temporal工作流程只需要一个工作人员来生成接下来要执行的步骤。 When it is blocked waiting for an external event like a timer it doesn't consume any worker resources.当它被阻塞等待像计时器这样的外部事件时,它不会消耗任何工作资源。 So a single worker can process a practically unlimited number of workflows given that it can keep up with their execution rate.因此,一个工作人员可以处理几乎无限数量的工作流,因为它可以跟上他们的执行速度。

As an optimization workflows are cached on a worker.作为优化工作流缓存在工作人员上。 But any of them can be kicked out of cache at any time without affecting their correctness.但是它们中的任何一个都可以随时被踢出缓存,而不会影响它们的正确性。

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