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[英]Getting an Invalid Address error when trying to write data with smart contract in truffle express box

I have a function where I insert patient's info into a mapping and it works perfectly fine on remix and in the truffle console.我有一个功能,可以将患者的信息插入到映射中,它在混音和松露控制台中运行良好。

function createPatient (uint _SecretNum, string memory _name, uint _dob, string memory _bloodType, string memory _gender, string memory _city,
    string memory allergies,
        bool organDonor,
        string memory emergencyContact) public isWhitelisted(msg.sender)  {

//passing the patient info struct into the new patient mapping
        newPatient[_SecretNum] = patientInfo(_SecretNum, _name, _dob, _bloodType, _gender, _city, allergies,
        emergencyContact, true);
//calling the event
        emit patientCreate(_SecretNum, _name, _dob, _bloodType, _gender, _city, allergies,
         emergencyContact, true);

There is a verification that the user is whitelisted and also I am sure the user is whitelisted anyway this is the code where I input the fields into the function验证用户已列入白名单,而且我确信用户已列入白名单,这是我在函数中输入字段的代码

NewPatient: function(id,Pname,Pdob,bloodRes,GenderRes,SelectedCityValue,allergies,donor,Econtact){

    var self = this;
    var data;

      data= instance;
      return data.createPatient(id,Pname,Pdob,bloodRes,GenderRes,SelectedCityValue,allergies,donor,Econtact)



And this is the error I get这是我得到的错误

Error: invalid address
    at inputAddressFormatter (C:\Users\Youssef\Desktop\ExpressBox\node_modules\truffle-contract\node_modules\web3\lib\web3\formatters.js:271:11)
    at inputTransactionFormatter (C:\Users\Youssef\Desktop\ExpressBox\node_modules\truffle-contract\node_modules\web3\lib\web3\formatters.js:97:20)
    at C:\Users\Youssef\Desktop\ExpressBox\node_modules\truffle-contract\node_modules\web3\lib\web3\method.js:89:28
    at Array.map (<anonymous>)     
    at Method.formatInput (C:\Users\Youssef\Desktop\ExpressBox\node_modules\truffle-contract\node_modules\web3\lib\web3\method.js:88:32)    
on.js:136:15)    at SolidityFunction.execute (C:\Users\Youssef\Desktop\ExpressBox\node_modules\truffle-contract\node_modules\web3\lib\web3\function.js:219:37)    at C:\Users\Youssef\Desktop\ExpressBox\node_modules\truffle-contract\contract.js:188:16


So I anyone can see something I can't I would appreciate is so much所以我任何人都可以看到我看不到的东西我会很感激

So basically what was needed to do is所以基本上需要做的是

data.createPatient(123,Pname,Pdob,bloodRes,GenderRes,SelectedCityValue,allergies,donor,Econtact,{from: web3.eth.defaultAccount, gas:3000000});

this version did not recognize .send so as an extra parameter in the function you can add the from: account number此版本无法识别 .send 因此作为函数中的额外参数,您可以添加 from: account number


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