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如何配置 eslintrc 并将 React 添加到 eslint(使用 airbnb、typescript)而不创建 react 应用程序

[英]How to configure eslintrc and add React to eslint (with airbnb, typescript) without create react app

My project is not using create-react-app.我的项目没有使用 create-react-app。 I am upadting my Eslint.我正在更新我的 Eslint。 How do I add React properly to the eslintrc.js file?如何将 React 正确添加到 eslintrc.js 文件中?

Currently I have this in the extend property:目前我在extend属性中有这个:

 extends: [ 'airbnb', 'airbnb-typescript', 'airbnb/hooks', // "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended", // "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended-requiring-type-checking", // "plugin:eslint-comments/recommended", 'plugin:react/recommended', 'plugin:jest/recommended', 'plugin:prettier/recommended', ],

For example now eslint throws error:例如现在 eslint 抛出错误:

Function component is not a function declarationeslintreact/function-component-definition) Function 组件不是 function 声明 lintreact/function-component-definition)

How can I just use arrow functions for my React components etc?我怎样才能为我的 React 组件等使用箭头函数?

 "react/function-component-definition": [ 2, { namedComponents: "arrow-function", unnamedComponents: "arrow-function", }, ],

"react/function-component-definition": [ 2, { namedComponents: "arrow-function", unnamedComponents: "arrow-function", }, ], “反应/功能组件定义”:[2,{命名组件:“箭头函数”,未命名组件:“箭头函数”,},],

Just add these line in your eslintrc.js file.只需在 eslintrc.js 文件中添加这些行。 This only allow you to add arrow function.这只允许您添加箭头 function。


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