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如何在 Flatpak GTK4 应用程序中获取外部应用程序的图标

[英]How to get the icon of an external app in a Flatpak GTK4 application

I am developing an app which would require to get the icon of an installed app on the system.我正在开发一个应用程序,它需要获取系统上已安装应用程序的图标。

My app is distributed as a Flatpak.我的应用程序作为 Flatpak 分发。

I tried Gtk.Icon.new_from_icon_name() but with no luck.我试过Gtk.Icon.new_from_icon_name()但没有运气。

Can anybody help?有人可以帮忙吗? Thanks谢谢

Sometimes I don't understand how Flatpak works: my manifest included "--filesystem=host" but that was not enough有时我不明白 Flatpak 是如何工作的:我的清单包括"--filesystem=host" ,但这还不够

I added "--filesystem=xdg-data/icons:ro" and now it is working..我添加了"--filesystem=xdg-data/icons:ro" ,现在它正在工作..

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