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在已经使用和扩展“eslint-config-airbnb”的同时,我是否必须在 eslintrc.js 配置中使用和“扩展”eslint-plugin-react

[英]Do I have to use and 'extend' eslint-plugin-react in eslintrc.js config while using and extending 'eslint-config-airbnb' already

I updated my Eslint rules using airbnb in my React typescript project.我在我的 React typescript 项目中使用 airbnb 更新了我的 Eslint 规则。

My project doesn't use 'create-reac-app'.我的项目不使用“create-reac-app”。 So I have to extend airbnb since I am also using and extending airbnb-typescript .所以我必须扩展airbnb因为我也在使用和扩展airbnb-typescript

eslint-plugin-react and eslint-plugin-react-hooks are peer dependencies of eslint-config-airbnb . eslint-plugin-reacteslint-plugin-react-hookseslint-config-airbnb的对等依赖。 So do I need to extend plugin:react/recommended' ?那么我需要扩展plugin:react/recommended'吗?

I have this in the extend property inside eslintrc.js:我在 eslintrc.js 的extend属性中有这个:

extends: [
    // "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended",
    // "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended-requiring-type-checking",
    // "plugin:eslint-comments/recommended",

To get the best out of Eslint and React, do I have to extend 'plugin:react/recommended', or something else or can I remove it since I am using airbnb and airbnb-typescript ?为了充分利用 Eslint 和 React,我是否必须扩展'plugin:react/recommended',或者我可以将其删除,因为我正在使用airbnbairbnb-typescript吗?

And the same question I have with extending yes or no 'plugin:react-hooks/recommended' (since eslint-plugin-react-hooks is also a peer dependency of eslint-config-airbnb as mentioned above).我对扩展 yes or no 'plugin:react-hooks/recommended'有同样的问题(因为eslint-plugin-react-hooks也是eslint-config-airbnb的对等依赖,如上所述)。

As far as I understand you don't need to add plugin:react/recommended since you are using airbnb .据我了解,您不需要添加plugin:react/recommended因为您使用的是airbnb Same with plugin:react-hooks/recommended if you use airbnb/hooks .plugin:react-hooks/recommended如果你使用airbnb/hooks


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