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Ruby RSPEC 测试

[英]Ruby RSPEC test

I would like to know how to satisfy the is_valid test, I tried it in several ways but the test does not pass what I have to write in the class我想知道如何满足is_valid测试,我尝试了几种方法,但测试没有通过我必须在课堂上写的内容

require 'spec_helper'

RSpec.describe PixKey do
  subject(:pix_key) { described_class.new(key) }

  let(:key) { 'email@wesley.io' }

  describe '.new' do
    context 'with a valid key' do
      it { is_expected.to be_a(described_class) }

      it { is_expected.to be_valid }

Cod class鳕鱼类

class PixKey

  attr_accessor :key

  def new(key)
    @key = :key
    validates :key, presence: true



PixKey .new with a valid key is expected to be a kind of PixKey具有有效密钥的 PixKey .new 预计是一种 PixKey

  is expected to be valid (FAILED - 1)

I assume that this is a test driven development (TDD) assignment where you got some specs and have to implement a class that passes the tests.我假设这是一个测试驱动开发 (TDD) 任务,您在其中获得了一些规范,并且必须实现一个通过测试的类。

In order to get your specs green, you have to implement some methods.为了使您的规范绿色,您必须实现一些方法。 To do so, you have to understand RSpec's syntax:为此,您必须了解 RSpec 的语法:

  • described_class – this is whatever comes after describe . described_class - 这是describe之后的任何内容。 In your spec, it's describe PixKey , so described_class.new(key) is equivalent to PixKey.new(key)在您的规范中,它是describe PixKey ,所以described_class.new(key)等效于PixKey.new(key)
  • be_a is a type matcher and equivalent to calling kind_of? be_a是一个类型匹配器,相当于调用kind_of?
  • be_valid is a predicate matcher and equivalent to calling valid? be_valid是一个谓词匹配器,相当于调用valid?

Let's start with an empty class:让我们从一个空类开始:

class PixKey

Running the specs gives an error: ( --fail-fast makes RSpec stop after the first failing spec)运行规范会出错:( --fail-fast使 RSpec 在第一个失败的规范后停止)

$ rspec pix_key_spec.rb --fail-fast


  1) PixKey.new with a valid key
     Failure/Error: subject(:pix_key) { described_class.new(key) }

       wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0)

❌ 1 example, 1 failure

RSpec called PixKey.new(key) but new doesn't take an argument. RSpec 调用PixKey.new(key)new不带参数。 In order to get that working, you could implement a class method called new , ie:为了让它工作,你可以实现一个名为new的类方法,即:

class PixKey
  def self.new(key)

But Ruby classes already come with a built-in new method that handles the allocation for you.但是 Ruby 类已经带有一个为您处理分配的内置new方法。 You typically just implement an instance method called initialize :您通常只需实现一个名为initialize的实例方法:

class PixKey
  def initialize(key)

Ruby's built-in new will call initialize and pass all arguments to it. Ruby 的内置new将调用initialize并将所有参数传递给它。

Note that I don't do anything with key yet.请注意,我还没有对key做任何事情。 This is a core part of TDD: you write just enough to get the test passing.这是 TDD 的核心部分:您编写的代码足以让测试通过。 Let's try it again:让我们再试一次:

$ rspec pix_key_spec.rb --fail-fast


  1) PixKey.new with a valid key is expected to be valid
     Failure/Error: it { is_expected.to be_valid }
       expected #<PixKey:0x000000010201de90> to respond to `valid?`

❌ 2 examples, 1 failure

This time, it's complaining about our PixKey instance not responding to valid?这一次,它抱怨我们的PixKey实例没有响应valid? , so let's implement that method: (the trailing ? is part of the method name) ,所以让我们实现该方法:(尾随?是方法名称的一部分)

class PixKey
  def initialize(key)

  def valid?

And run the tests again:并再次运行测试:

$ rspec pix_key_spec.rb --fail-fast


  1) PixKey.new with a valid key is expected to be valid
     Failure/Error: it { is_expected.to be_valid }
       expected `#<PixKey:0x00000001027b1da0>.valid?` to be truthy, got nil

❌ 2 examples, 1 failure

Now it says that our valid?现在它说我们的valid? method is expected to return a "truthy" result.方法预计会返回一个“真实”的结果。 In Ruby, everything besides nil and false qualifies as truthy, but I'd just just use true :在 Ruby 中,除了nilfalse之外的所有内容都被认为是真实的,但我只使用true

class PixKey
  def initialize(key)

  def valid?
$ rspec pix_key_spec.rb --fail-fast

✅ 2 examples, 0 failures

At this point, the specs pass.至此,规范通过了。 But obviously, the class is far from complete: key is never used and valid?但显然,这个类还远未完成: key从未使用过且valid? just always returns true without validating anything.总是返回true而不验证任何内容。

I assume that there are more tests to pass.我认为还有更多的测试要通过。 Keep working in small steps, just one test at a time.继续以小步骤工作,一次只进行一项测试。

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