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赛普拉斯使用正则表达式 url 拦截所有图像请求

[英]Cypress intercept all image requests with regex url

I want to intercept all image GET requests and check if they have 200 status code.我想拦截所有图像 GET 请求并检查它们是否有 200 个状态码。 My try so far.到目前为止我的尝试。

cy.intercept({ method: 'GET' , url: '/**/*.(png|svg|jpeg|webp|jpg)/'}).as('imageRequest')
cy.get('@imageRequest').its('response.statusCode').should('eq', 200)

It fails to intercept the image requests.它无法拦截图像请求。 I want one regex url to capture all image requests.我想要一个正则表达式 url 来捕获所有图像请求。

After suggested solutions I could wrote a test like Expect 5 images to be loaded on this page .在建议的解决方案之后,我可以编写一个测试,例如Expect 5 images to be loaded on this page Intercepts the 4 svg and 1 jpg request successfully.成功拦截 4 svg 和 1 jpg 请求。

    method: 'GET',
    url: /\/.+\.(png|svg|jpeg|webp|jpg)/    // add the regex directly


  const imageCount = 5

  for (let i = 0; i < imageCount; i++) {
    cy.wait('@imageRequest').then(({response}) => {

But I still wonder how to put the test logic like if I have any image request with non 200 status code.但是我仍然想知道如果我有任何带有非 200 状态代码的图像请求,如何放置测试逻辑。 Is there a failed image request?是否有失败的图像请求?

I'm afraid it is a bit tricky, and you are kind of limited by the way intercept behaves.恐怕这有点棘手,而且您受到intercept行为方式的限制。 Your command will match the first extension type requests, eg .png and will omit the others.您的命令将匹配第一个扩展类型请求,例如.png并忽略其他的。 A potential solution will be to listen to each extension type, but only if you are sure these extension types are registered/called, so:一个潜在的解决方案是监听每种扩展类型,但前提是您确定这些扩展类型已注册/调用,因此:

const imageExtensionTypes = ['png', 'svg', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'jpg'];

imageExtensionTypes.forEach(extensionType => {

imageExtensionTypes.forEach(extensionType => {
   cy.wait(`@${extensionType}_imageRequest`).then(({ response }) => { 

Using a regex with cy.intercept() is possible, but don't surround it with quotes.可以使用带有cy.intercept()的正则表达式,但不要用引号括起来。

Also you can't use **/* pattern which is part of the Glob pattern (a different way to specify wildcard patterns).此外,您不能使用作为 Glob 模式一部分的**/*模式(指定通配符模式的不同方式)。

See Matching url请参阅匹配的网址

  method: 'GET', 
  url: /\/.+\.(png|svg|jpeg|webp|jpg)/            // add the regex directly

// cy.visit() or button click()

cy.get('@imageRequest').its('response.statusCode').should('eq', 200)

If you already have the regex pattern specified as a string, you can convert it like this如果您已经将正则表达式模式指定为字符串,则可以像这样转换它

const pattern = '\/.+\.(png|svg|jpeg|webp|jpg)'   // the pattern given as a string
const regex = new RegExp(pattern)                 // make a regex from the pattern
  method: 'GET', 
  url: regex

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