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通过 Axios 发送 Blob 文件

[英]Send Blob file via Axios

I have object like this:我有这样的对象:

    "name": "filename",
    "size": 3523507,
    "type": "image/png",
    "extension": "png",
    "url": "blob:http://localhost:8081/082e9c22-9869-4289-a9c8-e36b0640e61c"

And i need upload it to backend.我需要将其上传到后端。 I try it:我试试看:

const session = axios.create({
  baseURL: debug ? 'http://localhost:8000': '',
  xsrfCookieName: CSRF_COOKIE_NAME,
  xsrfHeaderName: CSRF_HEADER_NAME,
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', file, 'file.name');

return session.post(`/chats/files/`,{...formData},), {
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": `multipart/form-data`,

But it doesn't work to add Blob to the formData但是将Blob添加到formData不起作用

UPD I get an object with files from the send-message method in the vue-advanced-chat component in this form: UPD 我以这种形式从 vue-advanced-chat 组件中的 send-message 方法获取了一个包含文件的对象:

    "name": "filename",
    "size": 3523507,
    "type": "image/png",
    "extension": "png",
    "localUrl": "blob:http://localhost:8081/aae047a9-5f9e-481f-b0cc-17febe954c31",
    "blob": {}

Then I format it to display in the interface before uploading to the server然后我在上传到服务器之前格式化它以显示在界面中


I converted blob to file我将 blob 转换为文件

send_file(roomId, messageId, blob_file, isAudio, duration) {
        let formData = new FormData();
        let file = new File([blob_file.blob], blob_file.name);
        formData.append('file[]', file, blob_file.name);
        return session.post(`/chats/files/`,
            {'chat': roomId, 'message': messageId, ...formData},), {
            headers: {
              'Content-Type': `multipart/form-data; boundary=${formData._boundary}`,
            timeout: 30000,

and still get: {"file":["No files were sent."]}仍然得到: {"file":["No files were sent."]}

You are not sending data in correct way.您没有以正确的方式发送数据。 It should be:它应该是:

export const uploadFileRequest = ({ file }) => {
   const data = new FormData();
   data.append('file', file, file.name);

   return session.post(`/chats/files/`, data, {
     headers: {
       'Content-Type': `multipart/form-data;boundary=${data._boundary}`,
     timeout: 30000,

it should work, for reference https://medium.com/@fakiolinho/handle-blobs-requests-with-axios-the-right-way-bb905bdb1c04它应该可以工作,供参考https://medium.com/@fakiolinho/handle-blobs-requests-with-axios-the-right-way-bb905bdb1c04

After several days of searching, debugging and dozens of attempts, I managed to find a solution.经过几天的搜索,调试和数十次尝试,我设法找到了解决方案。

  1. You need a Blob object, not a URL您需要一个 Blob 对象,而不是 URL
  2. You need to convert Blob to File let file = new File([blob_file.blob], fileName);您需要将 Blob 转换为 File let file = new File([blob_file.blob], fileName);
  3. To correctly identify the file type, you need to add blob_file.extension to the name let fileName = `${blob_file.name}.${blob_file.extension}`;要正确识别文件类型,需要在名称中添加 blob_file.extension let fileName = `${blob_file.name}.${blob_file.extension}`;
  4. You need to add all attributes to formData您需要将所有属性添加到 formData
formData.append('file', file, fileName);
formData.append('chat', roomId);
formData.append('message', messageId);
  1. Specify 'Content-Type': multipart/form-data , and don't specify _boundary - because in new versions of formData it is determined automatically!指定 'Content-Type': multipart/form-data ,并且不要指定 _boundary - 因为在新版本的 formData 中它是自动确定的!
headers: {
   'Content-Type': `multipart/form-data`,

so the final version of the code looks like this:所以代码的最终版本如下所示:

send_file(roomId, messageId, blob_file) {
    let formData = new FormData();
    let fileName = `${blob_file.name}.${blob_file.extension}`;
    let file = new File([blob_file.blob], fileName);
    formData.append('file', file, fileName);
    formData.append('chat', roomId);
    formData.append('message', messageId);

    return session.post(`/chats/files/`,
        formData, {
           headers: {
             'Content-Type': `multipart/form-data`,

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