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[英]React error with missing unique "key" prop when unique identifiers are already present

The app is a portfolio using a React frontend and I am writing in Javascript, not Typescript.该应用程序是使用 React 前端的产品组合,我使用 Javascript 而非 Typescript 编写。 I am using Sanity as a headless CMS to store the data.我使用 Sanity 作为无头 CMS 来存储数据。

I am using useEffect to fetch the data.我正在使用 useEffect 来获取数据。 I am using a .map to loop over each section to render the following information for my site: skill.name, experience.year, work.name.我使用 .map 循环遍历每个部分,为我的站点呈现以下信息:skill.name、experience.year、work.name。 Each of these sections is inside its own and each has a unique key: skill.name, experience.year, work.name.这些部分中的每一个都在自己的内部,并且每个部分都有一个唯一的键:skill.name、experience.year、work.name。

I know I have to give each child in a component a "unique 'key' prop" in React.我知道我必须在 React 中给组件中的每个孩子一个“唯一的‘关键’道具”。 What I am rendering has unique identifiers already: the skill.name, experience.year, work.name我正在渲染的内容已经具有唯一标识符:skill.name、experience.year、work.name

The error being produced is as follows: Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.产生的错误如下:警告:列表中的每个孩子都应该有一个唯一的“关键”道具。 Check the render method of Skills .检查Skills的渲染方法。

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I am missing here?有人对我在这里缺少的东西有什么建议吗?

<div className="app__skills-container">
    <motion.div className="app__skills-list">
      {/* fetch Skills from Sanity CMS and map over them*/}
      {skills?.map((skill) => (
        <motion.div whileInView={{ opacity: [0, 1] }} transition={{ duration: 0.5 }} `enter code here`className="app__skills-item app__flex" key={skill.name}>
          <div className="app__flex" style={{ backgroundColor: skill.bgColor }}>
            <img src={urlFor(skill.icon)} alt={skill.name} />

<motion.div className="app__skills-exp">
      {/* {console.log("----- skills-exp:", experience.works)} */}
      {experiences.map((experience) => (
        <motion.div className="app__skills-exp-item" key={experience.year}>
          <div className="app__skills-exp-year">
            <p className="bold-text">{experience.year}</p>
          <motion.div className="app__skills-exp-works">
            {/* 1st loops of year, then loop over the experiences contained within */}
            {experience.works.map((work) => (
                  whileInView={{ opacity: [0, 1] }}
                  transition={{ duration: 0.5 }}
                  <h4 className="bold-text">{work.name}</h4>
                  <p className="p-text">{work.company}</p>

If you're not sure that no keys repeat you can always use helper index in map like this:如果您不确定没有重复键,您可以随时在map中使用辅助索引,如下所示:

        products ?
                products.length > 0 ?
                    products.map((product, idx) => (
                        <TableCell align="center" colSpan={columns.length}>
                            <Alert severity="info">The list is empty/Alert>
                <TableCell align="center" colSpan={columns.length}><CircularProgress/></TableCell>

As mentioned in the accepted answer here , the key has to be on the outermost child of the map.如此接受的答案中所述,密钥必须位于地图的最外层子项上。 That's not the case in experience.works.map() , so I'd be interested if the error would go away if you were to change <> to <React.Fragment key={work.name}> .experience.works.map()中不是这种情况,因此如果您将<>更改为<React.Fragment key={work.name}> ,我会很感兴趣。

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