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Dash Plotly 多个 y 轴

[英]Dash Plotly multiple y Axis

I have the following Dataframe: Dataframe我有以下数据框:数据框

I want to plot it into a bar chart.我想将它绘制成条形图。 With 3 bars, 1 for Positive, 1 for Neutral and 1 for Negative.有 3 根柱线,1 根柱线,1 根柱线,1 根柱线柱。 Im trying this:我正在尝试这个:

fig = px.bar(senti_df, x=senti_df.index, y=['Positive', 'Neutral', 'Negative'])

But all I get as a result is this: Output但我得到的结果是:输出

How can I plot them side by side?如何将它们并排绘制? And is there a possibility to plot it into a pie chart?是否有可能将其绘制成饼图? Thank you so much for your help, I'm a beginner :(非常感谢您的帮助,我是初学者:(

I'd like to use raw-like data, therefore, we have some transformation via melt()我想使用类似原始的数据,因此,我们通过melt()进行了一些转换

df = pd.DataFrame({'Positive':[17], 'Neutral':[26], 'Negative':[7], 'Währung':['Bitcoin(BTC)']})
df2 = df.melt(value_vars=['Positive','Neutral','Negative'], id_vars=['Währung'], var_name='connotation')

        Währung connotation  value
0  Bitcoin(BTC)    Positive     17
1  Bitcoin(BTC)     Neutral     26
2  Bitcoin(BTC)    Negative      7

Plot bar chart绘制条形图

fig_bar = px.bar(df2, x='Währung', y='value', color='connotation', barmode='group')


Plot pie chart绘制饼图

fig_pie = px.pie(df2, values='value', names='connotation')


You can do this by adding the parameter barmode='group' :您可以通过添加参数barmode='group'来做到这一点:

fig = px.bar(senti_df, x='Währung', y=['Positive', 'Neutral', 'Negative'],  barmode='group')



Documentation 文档

barmode (str (default 'relative')) – One of 'group', 'overlay' or 'relative' In 'relative' mode, bars are stacked above zero for positive values and below zero for negative values. barmode (str (default 'relative')) -- 'group'、'overlay' 或 'relative' 之一 在'relative' 模式下,柱形堆叠在零之上表示正值,低于零表示负值。 In 'overlay' mode, bars are drawn on top of one another.在“叠加”模式下,条形图相互叠加。 In 'group' mode, bars are placed beside each other.在“组”模式下,条形图彼此并排放置。

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