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从 Kube.netes 中的私有容器注册表 (Harbor) 拉取镜像

[英]Pulling image from private container registry (Harbor) in Kubernetes

I am using Harbor ( https://goharbor.io/ ) for private container registry.我正在使用 Harbor ( https://goharbor.io/ ) 进行私有容器注册。 I run the Harbor using docker compose, and it is working fine.我使用 docker compose 运行 Harbor,它工作正常。 I can push/ pull images to this private registry using a VM.我可以使用 VM 将图像推送/拉取到这个私有注册表。 I already used 'docker login' command to login into this Harbor repository.我已经使用“docker login”命令登录到这个 Harbor 存储库。

For Kube.netes, I am using k3s.对于 Kube.netes,我使用的是 k3s。

Now, I want to create a pod in Kube.netes using the image in this Harbor private repository.现在,我想使用这个 Harbor 私有存储库中的图像在 Kube.netes 中创建一个 pod。 I referred to Harbor & Kube.netes documentations ( https://goharbor.io/docs/1.10/working-with-projects/working-with-images/pulling-pushing-images/ ) & ( https://kube.netes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/ ) to pull the image.我参考了 Harbor & Kube.netes 文档 ( https://goharbor.io/docs/1.10/working-with-projects/working-with-images/pulling-pushing-images/ ) & ( https://kube.netes .io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/ ) 来拉取镜像。

As mentioned in Harbor documentation:如 Harbor 文档中所述:

Kube.netes users can easily deploy pods with images stored in Harbor. Kube.netes 用户可以使用存储在 Harbor 中的图像轻松部署 pod。 The settings are similar to those of any other private registry.这些设置类似于任何其他私有注册表的设置。 There are two issues to be aware of:有两个问题需要注意:

When your Harbor instance is hosting HTTP and the certificate is self-signed, you must modify daemon.json on each work node of your cluster.当您的 Harbor 实例托管 HTTP 并且证书是自签名时,您必须在集群的每个工作节点上修改 daemon.json。 For information, see https://docs.docker.com/registry/insecure/#deploy-a-plain-http-registry .有关信息,请参阅https://docs.docker.com/registry/insecure/#deploy-a-plain-http-registry

If your pod references an image under a private project, you must create a secret with the credentials of a user who has permission to pull images from the project.如果您的 pod 引用私有项目下的图像,您必须使用有权从项目中拉取图像的用户的凭据创建一个秘密。 For information, see https://kube.netes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/ .有关信息,请参阅https://kube.netes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/

I created the daemon.json file in /etc/docker:我在 /etc/docker 中创建了 daemon.json 文件:

  "insecure-registries" : "my-harbor-server:443"

As mentioned in Kube.netes documentation, I created the Secret using this command:如 Kube.netes 文档中所述,我使用以下命令创建了 Secret:

kubectl create secret generic regcred \
    --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=<path/to/.docker/config.json> \

Then I used a file called pod.yml to create pod (using kubectl apply -f pod.yml):然后我使用一个名为 pod.yml 的文件来创建 pod(使用 kubectl apply -f pod.yml):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: myapp
    - name: myapp
      image: my-harbor-server/my-project/mayapp:v1.0
    - name: regcred

However, when I checked the pod status, it is showing 'ImagePullBackOff'.但是,当我检查 Pod 状态时,它显示“ImagePullBackOff”。 The pod logs shows: pod 日志显示:

Error from server (BadRequest): container "myapp" in pod "myapp" is waiting to start: trying and failing to pull image

Is there any other step that I have to do to pull this image from Harbor private repository into Kube.netes?是否需要执行任何其他步骤才能将此图像从 Harbor 私有存储库拉入 Kube.netes? What is the reason that I cannot pull this image from Harbor private repository into Kube.netes?我无法将此镜像从 Harbor 私有存储库拉入 Kube.netes 的原因是什么?

The /etc/docker/daemon.json file configures the docker engine. /etc/docker/daemon.json文件配置了 docker 引擎。 If your CRI is not the docker shim, them this file will not apply to Kube.netes.如果您的 CRI 不是 docker shim,则此文件将不适用于 Kube.netes。 For k3s, that is configured using /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml .对于 k3s,使用/etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml配置。 See https://rancher.com/docs/k3s/latest/en/installation/private-registry/ for details on configuring this file.有关配置此文件的详细信息,请参阅https://rancher.com/docs/k3s/latest/en/installation/private-registry/ It needs to be performed on each host.需要在每台主机上执行。

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