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如何根据 master 的分歧阈值从 git 存储库中删除所有分支?

[英]How to remove all branches from a git repository based on a divergence threshold from master?

On my project I need to clean up a repository that has hundreds of old branches that are no longer relevant.在我的项目中,我需要清理一个包含数百个不再相关的旧分支的存储库。

I would like to remove the branches that have more than 1000 revisions away from master.我想从 master 中删除超过 1000 个修订的分支。

I found the command to find out the number of divergence of a branch:我找到了找出分支分歧数量的命令:

git rev-list --count master...release/2.49.0

output: 1299 output: 1299

I don't see how to use the git for-each-ref command.我看不到如何使用git for-each-ref命令。

Is it possible to have a command that parse branch, count divergence and if the threshold is reach, perform a delete?是否有可能有一个命令来解析分支,计算分歧,如果达到阈值,执行删除?

Use git for-each-ref to get all branches, then iterate for each to get the number (add a leading 0 for error)使用git for-each-ref获取所有分支,然后对每个分支进行迭代以获取数字(添加前导 0 表示错误)

git for-each-ref refs/remotes --format="%(refname)"| sed 's!refs/remotes/!!g'| while read branch; do
 nb=$(git rev-list --count main...$branch)
 if [ $nb -ge 5000 ]; then
 echo "$branch to delete"

just replace echo "$branch to delete" by git branch -D $branch只需将echo "$branch to delete"替换为git branch -D $branch

Thanks for all Ôrel.感谢所有Ôrel。

Finally here is the code I used on the repo:最后,这是我在 repo 中使用的代码:

    git branch -r --format='%(refname:short)' | while read branch; do
    nb=$(git rev-list --count $fromBranch...$branch)
    if [ $nb -ge 1000 ]; then
        echo "$branchName diverged from $fromBranch by $nb revisions"
        # Uncomment to delete branch on remote
        # git push origin --delete $branchName      

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