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.NET MAUI Blazor 如何更改 HostPage 位置

[英].NET MAUI Blazor how to change HostPage location

I'm attempting to place the Blazor website into a separate directory within the MAUI application to create separation (and in future use it as a GIT submodule).我正在尝试将 Blazor 网站放入 MAUI 应用程序中的单独目录中以创建分离(并在将来将其用作 GIT 子模块)。

But I don't seem to be able get MAUI to recognize a different BlazorWebView 'HostPage' reference than the default of wwwroot/index.html, does anyone know how to set this to this subdirectory location?但我似乎无法让 MAUI 识别与 wwwroot/index.html 的默认值不同的 BlazorWebView 'HostPage' 引用,有人知道如何将其设置为此子目录位置吗?

MAUI 应用程序中 Blazor 站点的目录结构

Current code for MainPage.xaml, it compiles and runs but gives can't be found; MainPage.xaml 的当前代码,它可以编译并运行,但找不到;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
             BackgroundColor="{DynamicResource PageBackgroundColor}">
    <BlazorWebView HostPage="ImagineItsASubModule/wwwroot/index.html">
            <RootComponent Selector="#app" ComponentType="{x:Type local:Main}" />

Figured out my issue, posting here for any future people having issues.想通了我的问题,在这里发布给任何未来有问题的人。

Due to copying/importing the html/css etc the 'Build Action' on the files are set to 'None' so when build happened they naturally didn't come with the compile.由于复制/导入 html/css 等,文件上的“构建操作”设置为“无”,因此当构建发生时,它们自然不会随编译一起提供。

In order to do this I added the item group to my csproj file;为了做到这一点,我将项目组添加到我的 csproj 文件中;

    <Content Include="ImagineItsASubModule\\**\*.*" />

Now the files required come across and Blazor starts as expected, might need to mess with the regex to make sure that certain items are included/excluded as required.现在需要的文件出现并且 Blazor 按预期启动,可能需要弄乱正则表达式以确保根据需要包含/排除某些项目。

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