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在 PowerShell 脚本中替换 2>&1

[英]Replace 2>&1 in the PowerShell script

We use the below function in one of our PowerShell scripts.我们在我们的 PowerShell 脚本之一中使用以下函数。 Can someone explain what "2>&1" means here?有人可以解释这里的“2>&1”是什么意思吗? Is there any equivalent full cmdlet to replace this value?是否有任何等效的完整 cmdlet 来替换此值?

function InvExp {
    param (
        $er = (invoke-expression $cmd) 2>&1
            throw $er.Exception

As Santiago Squarzon notes, 2>&1 is a redirection ( > ) that redirects output stream number 2 (the error stream) into ( & ) stream number 1 (the success stream) .正如Santiago Squarzon 所指出的, 2>&1是一个重定向( > ),它将输出流编号2错误流)重定向到 ( & ) 流编号1成功流)

  • When calling external programs , 2 in redirections refers to such a program's stderr output, and 1 (the default stream) to its stdout output.调用外部程序时,重定向中的2指的是此类程序的标准错误输出,而1 (默认流)指的是其标准输出输出。

What your function in effect does is to promote any error - irrespective of whether it is a non -terminating or a (statement-) terminating error - to a fatal error ( script -terminating aka runspace-terminating error).您的功能实际上是将任何错误(无论它是非终止错误还是(语句)终止错误)提升为致命错误脚本终止又名运行空间终止错误)。

However, I propose a simpler implementation , which also avoids the use of Invoke-Expression , which is generally to be avoided , by instead requiring that a script block ( { ... } ) rather than a string be passed as an argument:但是,我提出了一个更简单的实现,它也避免了使用Invoke-Expression ,这通常是应该避免的,而是要求一个脚本块{ ... } )而不是一个字符串作为参数传递:

function Assert-NoError {
    [scriptblock] $cmd
  $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
  . $cmd

You would then invoke the function as follows, for example:然后,您将按如下方式调用该函数,例如:

Assert-NoError { Get-Process test }


  • $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' creates a local instance of the the $ErrorActionPreference preference variable , and by setting it to Stop ensures that any error results in a fatal error by default. $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'创建$ErrorActionPreference首选项变量本地实例,并通过将其设置为Stop确保默认情况下任何错误都会导致致命错误。

  • The above implementation has the added advantage that any success output that precedes an error is output before execution is aborted.上述实现还有一个额外的好处,即任何在错误之前的成功输出都会在执行被中止之前输出。

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