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从模板传递变量以查看 django

[英]Pass variable from template to view django

The main goal is to click a link then have a plot be generated based on the link clicked.主要目标是单击一个链接,然后根据单击的链接生成一个图。

I think if I am able to some how pass a variable(string needed for bar plot) from the link clicked on the template, to the views I can create the plot.我想如果我能够通过单击模板的链接将变量(条形图所需的字符串)传递给视图,我可以创建绘图。

In short, I would click the link this passes a variable to the views then the views would create a plot and pass it to a template.简而言之,我会单击将变量传递给视图的链接,然后视图将创建一个图并将其传递给模板。

Any help is appreciated任何帮助表示赞赏

Just use GET parameters to identify which link was clicked.只需使用GET参数来识别单击了哪个链接。

<a href="/your/url/?parameter_name=value_01">Show with value_01</a>
<a href="/your/url/?parameter_name=value_02">Show with value_02</a>
<a href="/your/url/?parameter_name=value_03">Show with value_03</a>
def your_view(request):
    if request.GET.get('parameter_name') == 'value_01':
        # first link clicked
    elif request.GET.get('parameter_name') == 'value_02':
        # second link clicked
    elif request.GET.get('parameter_name') == 'value_03':
        # third link clicked
    # ... your code

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