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Python:从几个 xlsx 文件创建几个 xml 文件

[英]Python: Create several xml-files from several xlsx-files

I found out how to create a singe xml-file from a single xlsx-file using this code:我发现了如何使用以下代码从单个 xlsx 文件创建单个 xml 文件:

from openpyxl import load_workbook

wb = load_workbook("convert_file.xlsx",data_only=True)
ws = wb.active
sheetname_row_list:list =[]
for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=2, max_row=7, min_col=1, max_col=6):
    row = [cell.value for cell in row]

from yattag import Doc, indent
doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext()

for row in sheetname_row_list:
        with tag("column0"):
        with tag("column1"):
        with tag("column2"):
        with tag("column3"):
        with tag("column4"):
        with tag("column5"):
result = indent(
        indentation = '    ',
        indent_text = False

with open("result_file.xml","w") as f:

How can I now create several XML files from several XLSX files with all the same structure?我现在如何从多个具有相同结构的 XLSX 文件创建多个 XML 文件?

I have "convert_file.xlsx" / "convert_file_2.xlsx" / "convert_file_3.xlsx"... and want to get "result_file.xml" / "result_file_2.xml" / "result_file_3.xml"...我有“convert_file.xlsx”/“convert_file_2.xlsx”/“convert_file_3.xlsx”......并且想要获得“result_file.xml”/“result_file_2.xml”/“result_file_3.xml”......

I suggest using pathlib and something like:我建议使用 pathlib 和类似的东西:

from pathlib import Path

source_directory = Path('.')   # Pointing to the XLSX files
for filename in source_directory.glob('*.xlsx'):
   # Call to your conversion code
   resultname = f'{filename.stem.replace("convert", "result")}.xml'
   # Save to file using resultname

Happy coding.快乐编码。

Edit: Included a way of changing the file extension from .xlsx to .xml编辑:包括将文件扩展名从 .xlsx 更改为 .xml 的方法

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