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尝试通过新的 ElasticSearch Java API 客户端索引 kafka 有效负载时出现 ListenerExecutionFailedException Nullpointer

[英]ListenerExecutionFailedException Nullpointer when trying to index kafka payload through new ElasticSearch Java API Client

I'm migrating from the HLRC to the new client, things were smooth but for some reason I cannot index a specific class/document.我正在从 HLRC 迁移到新客户端,一切都很顺利,但由于某种原因,我无法索引特定的类/文档。 Here is my client implementation and index request:这是我的客户端实现和索引请求:

public class ClientConfiguration{

    private InternalProperties conf;

    public ElasticsearchClient sslClient(){
        CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
                new UsernamePasswordCredentials(conf.getElasticsearchUser(), conf.getElasticsearchPassword()));
        HttpHost httpHost = new HttpHost(conf.getElasticsearchAddress(), conf.getElasticsearchPort(), "https");
        RestClientBuilder restClientBuilder = RestClient.builder(httpHost);
        try {
            SSLContext sslContext = SSLContexts.custom().loadTrustMaterial(null, (x509Certificates, s) -> true).build();
            restClientBuilder.setHttpClientConfigCallback(new RestClientBuilder.HttpClientConfigCallback() {
                public HttpAsyncClientBuilder customizeHttpClient(HttpAsyncClientBuilder httpClientBuilder) {
                    return httpClientBuilder.setSSLContext(sslContext)
        } catch (Exception e) {
        RestClient restClient=restClientBuilder.build();
        ElasticsearchTransport transport = new RestClientTransport(
                restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper());
        ElasticsearchClient client = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);
        return client;


public class ThisDtoIndexClass extends ConfigAndProperties{

public ThisDtoIndexClass() {


//client is declared in the class it's extending from 
public ThisDtoIndexClass(@Autowired ClientConfiguration esClient) {
          this.client = esClient.sslClient();

 @KafkaListener(topics = "esTopic")
   public void in(@Payload(required = false) customDto doc)
      throws ThisDtoIndexClassException, ElasticsearchException, IOException {
      if(doc!= null && doc.getId() != null) {
          IndexRequest.Builder<customDto > indexReqBuilder = new IndexRequest.Builder<>();

          IndexResponse response = client.index(indexReqBuilder.build());
      } else {
         throw new ThisDtoIndexClassException("document is null");


This is all done in spring boot (v2.6.8) with ES 7.17.3.这一切都是在带有 ES 7.17.3 的 spring boot (v2.6.8) 中完成的。 According to the debug, the payload is NOT null!根据调试,有效负载不为空! It even fetches the id correctly while stepping through.它甚至可以在单步执行时正确获取 id。 For some reason, it throws me a org.springframework.kafka.listener.ListenerExecutionFailedException: in the last line (during the .build ?).出于某种原因,它在最后一行(在.build期间?)向我抛出了org.springframework.kafka.listener.ListenerExecutionFailedException: Nothing gets indexed, but the response comes back 200. I'm lost on where I should be looking.没有任何内容被编入索引,但响应返回 200。我不知道应该在哪里寻找。 I have a different class that also writes to a different index, also getting a payload from kafka directly (all seperate consumers).我有一个不同的类,它也写入不同的索引,也直接从 kafka 获取有效负载(所有单独的消费者)。 That one functions just fine.那个功能很好。

I suspect it has something to do with the way my client is set up and/or the kafka.我怀疑这与我的客户的设置方式和/或卡夫卡有关。 Please point me in the right direction.请指出我正确的方向。

I solved it by deleting the default constructor.我通过删除默认构造函数来解决它。 If I put it back it overwrites the extended constructor (or straight up doesn't acknowledge the extended constructor), so my client was always null.如果我把它放回去,它会覆盖扩展构造函数(或者直接不承认扩展构造函数),所以我的客户端总是空的。 The error message it gave me was extremely misleading since it actually wasn't the Kafka's fault!它给我的错误信息极具误导性,因为它实际上不是卡夫卡的错!

Removing the default constructor completely initializes the correct constructor and I was able to index again.删除默认构造函数完全初始化正确的构造函数,我能够再次索引。 I assume this was a spring boot loading related "issue".我认为这是与弹簧启动加载相关的“问题”。


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