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Ngb DatePicker - 即使日期更改为下个月,月份也不会从当前月份更改

[英]Ngb DatePicker - month not changing from current month even the date is changed to next month

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when I try to navigate from the date for next month by the logic .It does apply to the next month date but calender view is not changing to the appropriate month.当我尝试通过逻辑从下个月的日期导航时。它确实适用于下个月的日期,但日历视图不会更改为适当的月份。

var newDate = new NgbDate(this.deliveryDate.year,this.deliveryDate.month,this.deliveryDate.day) var newDate = new NgbDate(this.deliveryDate.year,this.deliveryDate.month,this.deliveryDate.day)

 let date = this.calender.getNext(newDate,"d",1)

From NgbDatepicker - Basic Datepicker , it requiresNgbDatepicker - Basic Datepicker ,它需要

dp.navigateTo(/* date */)

to update the Calendar view.更新日历视图。

To do the calendar navigation in the component,要在组件中进行日历导航,

  1. Get the NgbDatepicker from HTML with id: "dp" via @ViewChild() .通过@ViewChild()从带有 id: "dp" 的 HTML 中获取NgbDatepicker

  2. The below code would only return the Date value but not update the Calendar view.下面的代码只会返回 Date 值,但不会更新 Calendar 视图。 At the same time, you need "m" to update the month.同时,您需要“m”来更新月份。

this.calendar.getNext(newDate, 'm', 1);
  1. Navigate the Calendar with the new date value.使用新日期值导航日历。
import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';

export class NgbdDatepickerBasic {

  @ViewChild('dp') dp: NgbDatepicker;

  toNextMonth() {
    var newDate = new NgbDate(

    let date = this.calendar.getNext(newDate, 'm', 1);

<button class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-primary me-2" (click)="toNextMonth()">To Next month</button>

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