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如何使用 Azure 通知中心向 IOS 和 Android 发送静默通知

[英]How to send silent notification to ioS and Android using Azure Notification Hub

I am trying to test silent notifications using Azure Notification Hub.我正在尝试使用 Azure 通知中心测试静默通知。 I have not used it before so I wanted to know if we can do it.我以前没有使用过它,所以我想知道我们是否可以这样做。 If yes, then what should be the payload.如果是,那么有效载荷应该是什么。 Currently, when I click on "Test Send" it opens a payload and I wanted to know what should be the payload if we want a silent notification where we just want to activate the app but not actually send a notification.目前,当我单击“测试发送”时,它会打开一个有效负载,我想知道如果我们想要一个静默通知,我们只想激活应用程序但不实际发送通知,那么该有效负载应该是什么。

Current Payload as per Azure根据 Azure 的当前有效负载

        "title":"Notification Hub Test Notification",
        "body":"This is a sample notification delivered by Azure Notification Hubs."

What needs to be changed here in the payload这里需要在payload中改变什么


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