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[英]ReactJs: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')

I am trying to access the key and values in payload in my JSON data, and if the key is present in array, countTargetOptions , I will display it in a component.我正在尝试访问 JSON 数据中payload中的键和值,如果键存在于数组countTargetOptions中,我将在组件中显示它。

But I keep getting a Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0') when I try to display the data {payload[0]?.payload?.countTargetOptions[i]} (note: I added the ? after reading React: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0') but it is still not working).但是当我尝试显示数据{payload[0]?.payload?.countTargetOptions[i]}时,我不断收到Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0') (注意:我在阅读后添加了? React: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0') but it still not working)。

Before I tried to render the components in a loop, there was no issues.在我尝试循环渲染组件之前,没有任何问题。 See below my code and a photo of the payload data.请参阅下面的代码和有效负载数据的照片。

const countTargetOptions = [

const CustomTooltip = ({ payload}: TooltipProps<ValueType, NameType> | any) => {

    if( payload && payload.length){
      var targetsData = [];
      let payloadData: any = payload[0].payload;
      for(let i = 0; i < countTargetOptions.length; i++){
          let targetOption: string  = countTargetOptions[i].replaceAll('_', ' ');         
          <Typography key = {targetOption} sx={{ fontSize: 14 }} color={"black"} >
          {targetOption} : {payload[0]?.payload?.countTargetOptions[i]}
        </Typography> )

      return (

            //Example of what wored before loop
            {/* <Typography sx={{ fontSize: 14 }} color={"black"} >
              count targets : {payload[0].payload.count_targets}
            </Typography> */}
    return null;


You probably wanted to do this:你可能想这样做:

{targetOption} : {payload[0].payload[countTargetOptions[i]]

About ?.关于?.

?. is an operator that returns undefined if the left-hand side is undefined .是一个运算符,如果左侧是undefined undefined You added it in the wrong places.你在错误的地方添加了它。 Doing this:这样做:

{targetOption} : {payload[0].payload.countTargetOptions?.[i]}

would be a little bit better, because you wouldn't get the error then, although the value would still be undefined .会好一点,因为那时你不会得到错误,尽管值仍然是undefined


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